

Āٱ (and ) Middle Persian word for “fire;” the Avestan form is ٲ (of unknown derivation), and the late form is arabicized in New Persian as ẕa. The Middle Persian by-form ٲ&Dz; (NPers. ٲ&Dz;) represents the old nom. sing. form of the word, with intervocalic -t- irregularly preserved. There is reason to think that in Middle Iranian the standard Parthian form was , the standard Middle Persian ٲ&Dz;. Both forms occur freely in the mixed language of the Pahlavi books. “Adur” is the name of the ninth Zoroastrian month and the ninth day of the month.

For the Zoroastrian cult use of fire, see Āٲ&Dz;. For the three greatest fire foundations of ancient Iran, see Ādur Burzēn-Mihr, Ādur Farnbāg, Ādur Gušnasp.

(M. Boyce)

Originally Published: December 15, 1983

Last Updated: July 22, 2011

This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 5, pp. 471-472

Cite this entry:

M. Boyce, “Āٱ,” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/5, pp. 471-472; an updated version is available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/adur-and-adar-middle-persian-word-for-fire-the-avestan-form-is-atar-of-unknown-derivation-and-the-late-form (accessed on 28 February 2014).