ĀĀ (plural of Arabic ), “utensils,” for Parsis the “sacred apparatus” employed in Zoroastrian rituals. Once consecrated, they function to effect contact between this physical (ŧī) realm and the holy, spiritual (ŧō) realm. Appropriate are used for each rite. E.g., in the purificatory bath (&Dz;ū) the are consecrated and unconsecrated bull’s urine (īԲī and ōŧ), consecrated water, ash (Gujarati bhasma) from an Ātaš Bahrām, sand, and a pomegranate leaf. Ā for the high liturgies are more numerous. For offering sandalwood and frankincense to the fire, a ladle (čč, cf. Pers. čč) and tongs (čō, from Gujarati čīō) are used. Several vase-like metal containers (the larger 첹Գ and smaller 첹, Gujarati 첹&Dz;) serve to take water from the well, fetch goat’s milk (ǰī峾), and pour water for purification. Placed on the ritual table (ḵᵛān) are metal cups (Gujarati ڳܱ), saucer-like metal bowls (tašta), a mortar (ɲ) and pestle (dastag), a knife (dzčī), and two metal stands topped with crescent-shaped horns (ū). The various ڳܱ contain consecrated water (ō), goat’s milk, and a liquid mixture of crushed ō and pomegranate twigs; one, called the ɲ, is used exclusively to hold a ring, on which are tied three woven strands of hair from a living white bull—a source of holy power. The various tašta contain ō, pomegranate twigs, a flat, unleavened wheat cake (ō), and goat’s milk. A tašta with nine holes (sūrāḵdār tašta) filters the ō mixture. The mortar and pestle are used to crush the ō and twigs; the knife is presently used to cut the latter and a date-palm leaf. The ū are holders for the barsom, a bundle of metal wires (). See also Yasn.
M. Haug, Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis, 2nd ed., London, 1878, p. 394ff.
J. J. Modi, Rites2, pp. 239-45, etc.
F. M. Kotwal and J. W. Boyd, “The Zoroastrian 貹ṇā ritual,” The Journal of Mithraic Studies 2, 1977, pp. 18-52.
(F. M. Kotwal and J. W. Boyd)
Originally Published: December 15, 1985
Last Updated: July 29, 2011
This article is available in print.
Vol. I, Fasc. 8, p. 804
F. M. Kotwal and J. W. Boyd, “ĀĀ,” Encyclopædia Iranica, I/8, p. 804; an updated version is available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/alat-plural-of-arabic-ala-utensils-for-parsis-the-sacred-apparatus-employed-in-zoroastrian-rituals (accessed on 17 May 2014).