BARIŠ NASK, one of the lost nasksof the Ჹ&ٲ;ą&ٳٲ; group (see AVESTA), analyzed in ŧ԰첹 8.9. According to the Persian 龱ⲹs,this nask contained originally sixty kardas,but only twelve were recovered after the time of Alexander. According to the summary of the Bariš nask in the ŧ԰첹,it contained matter concerning almost everything between heaven and earth, with perhaps a fair share of practical questions and advice not only on such matters as kings and judges and their authority, but also on such theological topics as body and soul, heaven and hell, and the afterlife. No extant Avestan texts or fragments have been identified as belonging to the Bariš nask.Darmesteter pointed out that the subjects treated in the Bariš nask recall parts of the Mēnōy ī xrad and that some of the Avestan Tahmuras fragments and some Avestan citations in the commentary of the Pahlavi īŧ could be from the Bariš nask.The origin and meaning of bariš unknown. The word can also be read as ŧ “fate, destiny.”



J. Darmesteter, Le Zend-Avesta, Paris, 1892-93, repr. 1960, III, pp.xv-xvii.

ŧ԰첹, ed. M. J. Dresden, Wiesbaden, 1966, pp. 112-10, fols. 68.14-71.12 of the Meherji Rana copies of the lost portions of the manuscript.

J. P. de Menasce, in Camb. Hist. Iran III/2, pp. 1160, 1180-81.

W. E. West, Pahlavi Texts IV,SBE 37, pp. 20-23 (summary of the nasks), pp. 423, 430, 434 (quotations from the Persian 龱ⲹs).

Search terms:

(یش نسک (بخشی از اوستا  barish nask    


(P. O. Skjærvø)

Originally Published: December 15, 1988

Last Updated: December 15, 1988

This article is available in print.
Vol. III, Fasc. 8, pp. 799-800