Due to many centuries of close contacts between Georgia and Persia, a large number of Iranian loanwords came into the Georgian language. These belonged to various spheres of vocabulary and were borrowed at different periods and from different dialects: from Eastern Iranian Scytho-Alan-Ossetic, and from Western Iranian Median, Parthian and, to an even greater extent, from the Middle Persian of the Sasanian period (3rd-7th cent.) and New Persian. Only a brief survey of these loanwords can be given here, but analysis of the borrowed vocabulary reveals its versatile semantic character: technical terms, basic vocabulary pertaining to all aspects of everyday life, and expressive vocabulary.
Among the loanwords, nouns are most common: e.g., aug-i “shame” (from Mid. Pers. ō “blemish”); guman-i “thought, opinion, suspicion, suggestion” (< NPers. dz); mizd-i “price, payment, rent” (from Mid. Pers. mizd < Av. ž岹-; NPers. mozd). However, there are also adjectives—ܲṭ- “weak” (NPers. sost); m-subuk-i “light” (NPers. sabok)—as well as verbal stems: šen- “build” (from Mid. Pers. *&Dz;ŧ, cf. Av. šayana- “home”; šen in Georgian is present like a component in toponyms such as Axalšen-i, lit. “New city”); *tr-, treva “pull, drag” was introduced from Scythian as early as the Kartvelian period. Most of the loanwords came directly from the original language, but some were transmitted through other languages: thus, via Armenian, the proper name ṭ (proper name, Old Pers. ٲ-); čˊ&Dz;ṭ- “true, real” (Mid. Pers. č&Dz;ī), etc.
Many loanwords became organic parts of the Georgian language and subject to its grammatical rules. Often a compound word is treated as a single stem: šara “avenue” (from NPers. &Dz;- “straight and wide road,” lit. “royal road”). As can be expected, loanwords are not subject to the phonetic changes taking place in the original language. For example, Georgian ṭaḳ- (from Mid. Pers. ŧ岹 “white, clean”) differs from NPers. ī, ī.
The following are significant categories of Georgian vocabulary affected by Iranian languages.
Proper names. Borrowed proper names often had a military or heroic connotation: ḳ/ܰá (from OP/Av. aršan- “man, male, hero,” is equivalent to the OP/Av. proper name Aršak, where -ok/-uk is a polysemantic suffix); Varaš (from Walaš, late form of the Parth. Walagaš, cf. Arm. ²ł&Dz; < wal- “strength, might”); Vardan (from Mid. Pers. ²; apparently, this name, so popular in the Middle Persian period, is not attested in New Persian); ˊdz/ˊdz was introduced into Georgian twice, in its Middle Iranian form (Parth. ŧōž, Mid. Pers. ŧō) and in the New Persian form (īū, Arabicized form īū); Palavand andthe family-name Palavandišvil-i (< NPers. 貹; the introduction of -d after -n- is characteristic of Georgian, cf. Georgian durbind-i ūī, “telescope”).
Of Iranian theophoric anthroponyms, the following are represented in Georgian: Bagrat (*Old Pers. ٲ- “created by god, god’s gift,” Mid. Pers. /, Av. &;ō.ٲ-, Parth. &;; the Arm. form Bagrat and the change d > δ > r testifies that this name came to Georgian via Armenian); Baaman (Av. Vohu Manah, Parth. Vahmanak, Mid. Pers. Wahman, NPers. Bahman, q.v.; in intervocal position h is reduced, cf. Georgian Mirian); ղ&Dz;ṭ- (< OIr. vahišta- [“paradise,” superlative of veh “good,” i.e., “superb, excellent”], Mid. Pers. wahišt, NPers. behešt); հ岹ṭ is derived from ī, the name of an Iranian deity (Parth. tyrydyt, Mid. Pers. īdād “created by the god ī”); Khudada (< NPers. ḵo, “given by God”). The Georgian name 鲹ž may be a composite: its second component, -ŧ, comes from Mid. Pers. ŧ “creed, religion,” while the first one is perhaps Ir. ōž/ō “day, light, happiness,” i.e., *Rōžŧ- “happy religion.” The component ō is also present in the Georgian family name Berozashvili (< NPers. ū “happy, fortunate”). Adarazan or Adrazan, is also a compound, where the first element is the noun ḏa “fire,” and the second is derived from the pres. stem of the NPers. verb zadan “beat, strike,” i.e., probably “striking fire.” Adarnase (< Mid. Pers. ĀܰԲŧ; for the second component cf. Av. Բō.ŋⲹ- and Mid. Pers. Narseh; the latter exists also in Georgian as the name Nerse). To this group also belongs the popular name Xosro, Xuasro (Av. husravah-, Mid. Pers. Husraw, Arm. Xosrov; a compound of hu- “good, kind” and sravah- “glory, fame”).
Many Iranian names incorporate the names of celestial bodies or words indicative of light, radiance, or good fortune. Some of these can also be found in Georgian: Roshnia (< ō&Dz;, ō&Dz;, cf. Scythian ōŧ, Av. rauxšna- “light, glittering,” NPers. Rowšanak); Bevroz (the first component is derived from OIr. *baivar, another derivative of which is ŧ “ten thousand”; cf. Av. ŧ-, Mid. Pers. ŧɲ., Sc. Baiormaios [see Justi, Namenbuch, p. 60]); Navroz, as in the family-name Navrozashvili (< NPers. ԴǷɰū, “the first day of the new year” and the proper name Ƿɰū).
Other personal names derive from stems which denote qualities or characteristics: Arjevan and the family name Arjevanidze (cf. Av. əᲹԳԳ-, əᲹ- < Av. əᲹ- “price, value, worth,” and the suffix -vant-; Mid. Pers. arz, ī “worthy”); Ramin (Mid. Pers. 峾ŧ < OPers. 峾-, Av. 峾an- “peace, silence”); 鲹ṗa (< Ir. *峾a屹-, with the adjective -屹 “protecting peace, tranquility”); پܰṭ (the second component, Mid. Pers. duxt, NPers. ḵt “daughter,” is often present in women’s names; the first component is probably derived from NPers ī or “adorning hearts.” The Georgian female name Nazi can be found in Iranian languages as a male name (Med. *Nazuka-, Mid. Pers. ܰ).
Of Iranian anthroponyms indicating colors, those containing the word “black” are especially popular in Georgia. There are several forms: Siaush, Shiosh, Shiaosh, Shioaosh (s > sh in Georgian). Similar names are known in Old-, Middle-, and New Iranian languages. Closest to the Iranian form is the Georgian Siyaush (< NPers. ī屹ḵ&Dz;); cf. also Saurmag (< Scythian Sawarmag “black-armed”).
Zoonyms include: Varaza, Varaz, ղ-ḳu (cf. Av. -, Med. *ղ첹-, Scythian Oyadzacos, Oss. Waraz, Mid. Pers. ɲ-, NPers. ǰ “wild boar”); Gorg, Gorgaká, Gurgen, Gorgine (cf. Old Pers. ṛk-, Mid. Pers. ҳܰŧ < OIr. ṛkԲ-, NPers. gorg “wolf”). The term asp (horse) occurs in many compounds, but the family name Aspanidze is derived directly from the plural . Georgian Tamaz derives from Av. ճܳ貹-, patronymic ճܳԲ-, Mid. Pers. Tuxmāsp, Pāzand ղ, NPers. Ṭa, Arm. Tahmaz. Its first component is OPers. taxma- “brave.” It is noteworthy that asp > az does not usually occur in other Georgian names of this type, i.e., Gorjasp, Jamasp, etc. Obviously, the Georgian Tamaz and the Arm. Tahmaz derive from the same source. In the case of Luarsab (< NPers. dz, Mid. Pers. ܳ). Authors such as Eskandar Beg Monšī did not recognize the derivation of this name from the Persian dz and transliterated it as Lūārṣāb (e.g., pp. 206, 271, 818-19, 874-79, etc.) Jamasp (Av. 峾貹-, NPers. 峾; probably “branded horse”) occurs in the family name Jamaspishvili. Names containing the element šer “lion” include: Shermazan, family name Shermazanashvili (< NPers. Šermazan “lion-killer”); Shergil, Arm. Šergir “lion-catcher, brave” (< NPers. &Dz;īī, where the second component, ī-, is the present stem of the verb gereftan “to take, to capture”); Shervazh, (the second component, vazh, may be derived from the Ir. č/ž “voice,” i.e. “having the voice of a lion”); and the family name Shervashidze /Juansher (< N.Pers. Jovæ^r, where the first component is DZ “young”).
Some personal names contain the names of plants and flowers, most often the rose (NPers. gol): Gulamshar, Gulashar, and Gushar all derive from NPers. Gol-šahr, where the second component is šahr “city,” i.e., “the land of roses”; Gulchora (< NPers. ҴDZ-č, where the second component is č “face,” i.e., “rose-faced”); Gulbahar, where the second component is “spring.” (Gol- “spring rose”).
Two somatic anthroponyms are Sharukh (NPers. &Dz;ḵ “having a royal face,” i.e. “majestic, beautiful”) and the family name Varsidze (from vars, Av. ə-, Mid. Pers. wars “hair”).
Ethnonyms as components of anthroponyms: Eraj (Mid. Pers. Ē&ܳٱ;, NPers. Ī); Erashahr (< Mid. Pers. Ē&Dz;, “land of the Aryans”; cf. Arm. Eranšahik); Koiar (from Mid. Pers. ō < ōڻ “the lord of the mountain”).
A large number of Persian names came into Georgian from the versions of the &Dz;-峾: Givi (< ŧ); Goderdz-i (< ō岹); Zurab-i (< dz); Ketevan (< ū); Zaal (< ; cf. the family name Zaldastanishvili), etc.
Iranian anthroponyms are represented in the epic Vepkhistqaosani (The knight in the panther skin) by Shota Rustaveli (12th/13th cent.): Pridon (Mid. Ir. ŧō, NPers. īū/ū, < Av. ŧٲDzԲ- < tritá: i.e., “of triple strength”); Nestan-Darezhan (NPers. nīst andar jah “unlike any other in the world”), etc.
Religious terminology. Iranian religion has also had an impact on Georgian vocabulary. Borrowings include: ṭo&Dz;-/ṭr&Dz;- “fire-temple” (< Mid. Pers. Āܰ&Dz;); Aeshma, ḳ- “devil” (cf. Av. ŧ&Dz;-; in Mid. Pers., with secondary aspiration, ŧ/ĕ&Dz; “anger”); dev-i “evil spirit” (from Mid. Pers. ŧ, Old Pers. daiva-, Av. 岹ŧ-); niš “miracle, sign” (from Mid. Pers. ī&Dz;- < *niyaš- < ni-aš- “to look, to watch”; with suff. ; NPers. neš “sign,” Arm. loanword nšan; Georgian nishan-i); ṭa-, ṭa- “temple” (from Old Pers. tacara-, NPers. tajar, tazar “winter pavilion”; cf. Georgian ṭa-Dz- “feast, bread”); wnas-i “sin, misfortune, loss” (< Mid. Pers. ɾ “sin,” OIr. *-, NPers. Dz); zorva “sacrificial victim, sacrifice” (from Mid. Pers. ō “libation, offering” < Av. zaoθra- “sacrificial victim, donation, holy water”; from the same stem, ܲḳ- “animal to be sacrificed,” i.e. calf); jojokhet-i “hell” (< Mid. Pers. dušox < Av. 岹ž-; NPers. ūḵ). ṭ- “true, right, reliable” and ṭ- “truth” derive from Mid. Pers. č&Dz;-ī “visible, obvious”; the change d > r proves that this word came to Georgian through Armenian. Mogv-i, Old Georgian mogu “magus, astrologer” can be traced to Mid. Pers. mogu, mogu-mart “priest” (< Old Pers. magu-; NPers. ḡ; Arm. loanword mog). The related toponym mogv-ta (the suffix -ta indicates a general place and is used to form geographic names; i.e., “land inhabited by magi”) may be connected to the corporation, the community of magi (magūst) founded by Kirdēr in conquered lands, among them Georgia/Iberia.
Administrative, social, and military vocabulary. Terms in this category include aznaur-i “free,” i. e., a member of a noble family (from Mid. Pers. 屹; corresponds semantically to Mid. Pers. , Av. ٲ- “nobility”; bazh-i “tax, duty” (from Mid. Pers. ž, Old Pers. ᾱ-, Av. ᾱ- “to give, present”; NPers. ); 岹ṭaḳ- “license, document” (from NPers. dastak “account-book”); 岹ṭu- “trustworthy person, minister, true” in Old Georgian, “agreement, consent” in New Georgian (cf. NPers. 岹ū “minister” < Mid. Pers. dastwar “religious adviser, judge, member of the Zoroastrian clergy,” cf. Georgian 岹ṭu-Dz- “official, clergyman”); gumard-i “viceroy” (from Mid. Pers. ܳ岹 “commissioner, governor,” cf. NPers. dz岹, “to appoint, designate”); gujar-i “book, letter, document” (from Mid. Pers. ɾ “explanation”); kardag-i “estate, allotment” (from Mid. Pers. kardag < kart, *kert- “cut,” NPers. kard, kart “plot of land, estate”); Dzṭa-, DZṭaḳ-, Dzṭaḳ-, hroardag-i, Dzṭaḳ- “book, letter, royal statute-book” (from Mid. Pers. frawardag < var- “to turn round, roll, change,” i.e., “rolled up,” probably via Arm. DZṭaḳ “letter, order, edict; document testifying ownership”); šegird-i “apprentice, pupil” (< NPers. &Dz;岵, Mid. Pers. &Dz;岵 < OIr. *&Dz;.ṭa-, Arm. ašakert, Mid. Pers. hawišt “pupil”); vachar-i “merchant, trader” (a loan through Arm. čˊḳa “merchant,” čˊ “trade, market < Mid. Pers. ag, “merchant,” “market,”); bazar-i “market” (< NPers. “market”); vakhsh-i “money recovered with interest,” me-vakhsh-e “usurer, money-lender” (from Mid. Pers. waxš “interest on money, increase, sunrise, growing,” Av. vaxša-, Arm. vašx “usurer”); zenar-i “oath, promise” (Mid. Pers. ŧԳ “guarantee, protection, oath” < *zivan-har- < *īԲ-- “protecting life”; NPers. Գ); ṗu- “noble” (Mid. Pers. wispuhr < ō.&ٳٲ;-“son of the family, of the clan; prince-royal,” cf. Georgian -ṗu- “chosen”); gund-i “army, regiment, military unit” (from Mid. Pers. gund “army,” NPers. gond, Arab. jond, Mand. ܲԻ, Syr. ܻ < gdd-, Old Hebrew &ܴ;ḏu “band, detachment”); razm-i “military unit, detachment” (from New and Mid. Pers. razm, Av. rasman- < raz-); sardal-i “commander, general” (from NPers. ; r > l in Georgian); ṗa “army” (from Mid. Pers. , OIr. &ٲ;-, NPers. ); ṗasṗeṭ-i, ṗayṗeṭ-i “commander, general” (from Mid. Pers. ,” NPers. sepahbad); marzpÂan-i “district governor” (< Mid. Pers. and NPers. marzb); osṭaṭ- i “master, expert” (Mid. Pers. ō-, NPers. Dz).
The term 貹ṭi-, ṗiṭi- “the second after the king,” the viceroy of the shah of Persia in Iberia (ṭy&ܴ;&Dz;) is witnessed in inscriptions of the 1st to 2nd centuries C. E. In the trilingual inscription of Šāpūr I, the bearer of this title is mentioned after the members of the royal family. The Paikuli inscription shows that towards the end of the 3rd century this office became less important and influential. Georgian sources testify that the bearer of this title held a very high office in the province. The most exact phonetic transmission of this title in Georgian, found in an inscription on a plate from Bori, is ṭx&Dz;, (ṭyʾ&ܳٱ;&Dz;, cf. Arm. bdeašx). In Georgian b > ṗ due to assimilation with tÂ. Consequently,in anlaut bi- < īⲹ- “the second,” Parth. īⲹ- < Old Pers. 屹īⲹ-, i.e. *bitiyaxša can be traced to the Achaemenian 屹īⲹxšāya-, Parth. bidaxš, where dv > b; see BIDAXŠ).
Arms and weapons: dašna “short straight dagger” (NPers. dašna); gurz-i “club, mace” (NPers. gorz); kaman-i “bow” (NPers. kam); kamandar-i “archer” (NPers. kamdār); kamand-i “lasso” (NPers. kamand); xišt “bayonet” (NPers. ḵe&Dz; “spear, dart”); lula “gun-barrel” (NPers. ū “tube”); šimšer-i “sharp blade” (Mid. Pers. &Dz;&Dz;ŧ, NPers. &Dz;&Dz;ī).
Some Iranian loanwords present in Georgian as military terms are used in civilian life as well: aṗarez-i “arena, hippodrome, square, stadium,” in Old Georgian “distance equal to 195 steps” (from Mid. Pers. ŧ “hippodrome” < , where the first component is asp “horse” and the second “road, way”); droša “banner, flag,” early form ž- (from Mid. Pers. drafš, NPers. derafš, Av. drafša-); navard-i “robbery, running,” Old Georgian “bird’s flight” (from NPers. navard, nabard “battle, combat,” Mid. Pers. nibard “battle, fighting, quarrel”).
Vocabulary of daily life. Many words borrowed from Iranian languages pertain to aspects of everyday life (work and occupations, household items, clothes, various tools, etc.): ayvan-i “balcony, porch” (NPers. ayv “hall, portico, balcony, open gallery”); akhor-i, Old Georgian “cow-shed,” modern Georgian “stables” (NPers. ḵo; Mid. Pers. ɲ “stables”); bag-i “garden, orchard” (from NPers. ḡ “garden”; Pāzand bag “part, share,” Av. 岵- "God’s share,” cf. Georgian baghcha “small garden” < NPers. ḡča); Dzṭa-, Old Georgian “garden, orchard,” modern Georgian “kitchen garden” (from NPers. būst “garden”); cha “well” (from Mid. Pers. and NPers. č, Av. č-); ḳ- “chess” (from Mid. Pers. čٰԲ, Skt. čٳܰ.ṅg-, NPers. šatranj); charkh-i “lathe, wheel” (from NPers. čḵ “circulation, circle, orbit, wheel” < Mid. Pers. č < Av. ča-); Ծḳ- “degustation, tasting,” Old Georgian čˊ&Dz;Բ- “taster” (NPers. č&Dz;ī “taste, tasting”); čDz- “polo-club, racket; small spade” (from NPers. čowg < Mid. Pers. čōpēk, čōβēg < čō “wood, stick”); 岹ṭa “a number of similar objects; bunch, pack, ensemble, team” (from NPers. dasta “group, team, bundle, bunch); 岹ṭakar-i “surgeon” (< NPers. 岹ٰ “dexterous, expert; a person who works with his hands”); dazga “bench, carpenter’s bench, machine” (from NPers. 岹ٲ “apparatus, installation”); do “whey” (Mid. Pers. ō “refreshing drink made from milk”); Dzṭa첹- “large goblet, bowl” (< NPers. ū-峾ī “toast, wine drunk to a friends health; large vessel for wine”); dukard-i “shears” (from NPers. ǰ “scissors, shears” < do “two,” and “knife”; cf. Georgian karda); durbind-i “binoculars, field-glasses” (< NPers. ūī); kamar-i “belt, waist” (from NPers. kamar < Mid. Pers. kamar, Av. 첹-); kap-i “foam” (from NPers. kaf, Mid. Pers. kaf); kapkir-i “skimmer” (NPers. kafī); karavan-i “caravan” (from NPers. kārav < Mid. Pers. kārv); karkhana “factory” (NPers. kār-ḵa “factory, workshop”); karvasla “station, trading center” (from NPers. kārav-sarā “caravansaray”; the reduction of the vowel and r > l are characteristic of Georgian, cf. Georgian sra “palace”); kucha “street” (from NPers. ūč “street, road”); khali, khalicha “carpet” (NPers. ī, īča); kheivan-i “path, walk” (NPers. ḵīāb “avenue, boulevard, walk”); khorag-i (colloquial) “food” (from NPers. ḵo, Av. ᵛa-); khurda “small cash, change; rubble” (< ḵo岹 “bits, fragments” < Mid. Pers. xwurdag “small”); ṭa-, Dzṭa- “wealth, cattle” (from Mid. Pers. ᵛāsٲ “wealth,” NPers. ḵᵛٲ); jam-i “vessel, bowl” (< NPers. 峾 “cup, goblet, bowl,” < Mid. Pers. 峾, Av. yama-); marag-i “quantity, stock” (from Mid. Pers. marak “number, quantity” < Av. mar- “measure”); nav-i “ship, boat” (cf. Old Pers. 屹 “navy,” NPers. 屹 “war-ship, boat”); panjara “window” (NPers. panjara); polak-i “button” (NPers. ū “scales, spangles, small coin”); pul-i “money” (NPers. ū); rochik-i “food, ration” (from Mid. Pers. ōīk “daily ration” < ō “day,” and suffix -ī); sardap-i “basement, cellar” (NPers. ; final b > p); shusha “glass, flask” (NPers. &Dz;ī&Dz; “glass, vessel, bottle, flask”); ṭaṭ- “seat, throne, bed” (NPers. ٲḵt “throne, sofa”); ṭaṭr𱹲- (obsolete) “litter, palanquin” (NPers. ٲḵt[-e] rav); ṭo- “tribe, family” (< Mid. Pers. ō “seed, family, progeny” < Av. taoxman-, Old Pers. ٲܳ-).
Names of plants and animals: vard-i “rose” (cf. Av. ə&ٲ;-, Arm. vard, NPers. vard “red rose”); ḳ- “carnation” (NPers. īḵa); bamba “cotton” (NPers. panba, pamba; initial p > b); badrijan-i “eggplant” (NPers. bādenj); gulab-i “a kind of pear” (NPers. DZī “pear”); ni-goz-i “nut-kernel” (from Mid. Pers. ō, NPers. gowz “walnut”; cf. Georgian dzԲˊ- “nuts boiled in honey” < Mid. Pers. ōēnag); &Dz;ṗ- “whale; monster, dragon” (from Mid. Pers. ɾ&Dz; < Av. &Dz;貹- “dragon,” an epithet of Aži Dahāka, q.v.); vigr “leopard,” cf. Arm. vagr “tiger” (from Mid. Pers. babr); siasamur-i “sable,” lit. “black sable” (from NPers. ī and ū < Parth. ō, Mid. Pers. ō); spilo, pilo “elephant” (from Mid. Pers. ī; initial s before p, cf. spars-i “Persian”).
Weights and measures: griv-i, a dry measure equal to 22 ksests (Arm. griv, NPers. Ჹī, a square measure); ḳa-, equal to three grivs (from Mid. Pers. 첹ī, NPers. 첹īž, 첹ī, Arm. 첹辱č); charek-i, a quarter of a measure of weight or capacity, a liquid capacity measure equal approximately to one liter (from NPers. č “quarter, measure of weight” < č-ⲹ).
As might be expected, there are many formations in Georgian deriving from Iranian stems which are so well established that they are not regarded as an alien borrowing: i.e., ga-biabru-eba “humiliate,d disgraced” (from NPers. ī-ū “disgraced, dishonored”); gamo-komag-eba “help, support” < komag-i “protector, patron” (NPers. komak).
V. Abaev, Istoriko-etimologicheskiĭ slovar’ osetinskogo yazyka (Historical-etymological dictionary of the Ossetic language), 4 vols., Moscow and Leningrad, 1958-89.
I. Abuladze, Zveli kartuli enis leksikoni: masalebi (Dictionary of the Old Georgian language), Tbilisi, 1973.
M. Andronikashvili, Narkvevebi iranul-kartul enobrivi urtiertobidan (Essays on Iranian-Georgian linguistic contacts), Tbilisi, 1966 (summary in English pp. 547-71).
C. Bartholomae, Altiranisches Wörterbuch, Strassburg, 1904.
A. Chikobava, ed., Kartuli enis ganmartebiti leksikoni (Explanatory dictionary of the Georgian language), 8 vols., Tbilisi, 1950-64.
T. Chkheidze, Ocherki po iranskoĭ onomastike (Studies in Iranian onomastics), Tbilisi, 1984 (in Georgian).
J. Gippert, Iranica Armeno-Iberica: Studien zu den iranischen Lehnwortern im Armenischen und Georgischen, 2 vols., Bamberg, 1990.
H. Hübschmann, Armenische Grammatik I: Armenische Etymologie, Hildesheim, and New York, 1972.
M. Mayrhofer, ed., Iranisches Personennamenbuch, 5 vols., Vienna, 1977-79.
O. Tedeevi, Narkvevebi osur-kartuli enobrivi urtiertobidan (Essays on Ossetic-Georgian linguistic contacts), Tbilisi, 1988.
(Thea Chkeidze)
Originally Published: December 15, 2001
Last Updated: February 7, 2012
This article is available in print.
Vol. X, Fasc. 5, pp. 486-490