

´³Ä€µþ·¡¸é±õ, MIRZÄ€ SALMÄ€N, vizier and prominent statesman during the reigns of Shah EsmÄÊ¿il II (1576-77) and Shah Moḥammad ḴodÄbanda (1577-88). MirzÄ SalmÄn began training as an administrator under the tutelage of his father who was the vizier to the governor of Shiraz, EbrÄhim Khan, in the latter years of Shah ṬahmÄsp’s reign. After his father died, MirzÄ SalmÄn moved to the central court in Qazvin, and thanks to political sponsorship from MirzÄ Ê¿Aá¹­Äʾ-AllÄh, the powerful vizier of Azerbaijan, he soon entered Shah ṬahmÄsp’s service as both an intimate (moqarrab), and supervisor of the departments in the service of the royal household (nÄẓer-e boyutÄt-e sarkÄr-e ḵÄṣṣa-ye šarifa). After EsmÄÊ¿il II ascended the throne, MirzÄ SalmÄn was made the vazir-e aÊ¿lÄ on June 13, 1577 after MirzÄ Šokr-AllÄh was dismissed from the post. MirzÄ SalmÄn proved himself to be a wily operator in the turbulent politics and machinations of the day, initially aligning himself with EsmÄÊ¿il II’s sister, Pari ḴÄn ḴÄnom (q.v. at iranica.com), but later abandoning her and joining the retinue of Mo-ḥammad ḴodÄbanda and his wife, Mahd-e Ê¿OliyÄ, in Shiraz after EsmÄÊ¿il II died mysteriously less than a year later. The new shah confirmed SalmÄn in his post as vazir-e aÊ¿lÄ, but the Persian administrator involved himself in a number of military campaigns, the most spectacular of which resulted in the defeat of a joint Ottoman-Tatar force and capture of the Tatar prince, Ê¿Ä€del GerÄy Khan. MirzÄ SalmÄn succeeded in handling the shifting political relationships skillfully upon learning that the de facto ruler, Mahd-e Ê¿OliyÄ, was targeted by disgruntled Qezel-bÄš amirs for elimination; he promptly joined the opposition (led by Pira Moḥammad Khan OstÄjlu and Moḥammad Khan TorkmÄn) and secured a new sponsor from the royal family by marrying his daughter to the heir apparent, Ḥamza MirzÄ.

There is little doubt that MirzÄ SalmÄn JÄberi transgressed boundaries in terms of the traditional division between Turks and Tajiks; in fact, he was described by al-Qommi (p. 685) as “lord of [both] the sword and pen” (á¹£Äḥeb al-sayf wa’l-qalam). This was best manifested in 1581 when he emerged as the principal architect of a major diplomatic arrangement whereby the Georgian KÄrtel and KÄketi dynasties, led by Simon Khan and Alexander Khan respectively, were subordinated to the Safavid household. This new suzerain status, whereby each Georgian ruler sent a son and a daughter to the Safavid court (the daughters were married to Ḥamza MirzÄ and the sons were held as hostages) was negotiated by MirzÄ SalmÄn, and it was he who personally presided over the ceremony in Georgia when robes of honor were exchanged and monies were remitted (Falsafi I, p. 70; Eá¹£fahÄni, p. 636). The most serious threat to SalmÄn’s position came in 1582 when Moršedqoli Khan and his charge, prince Ê¿AbbÄs MirzÄ, revolted in Herat. Despite the waning appeal of Shah ḴodÄbanda, SalmÄn exhorted the QezelbÄš amirs in the court to join their liege and march against these royal rebels to the east. A number of lengthy sieges ensued at Herat and Torbat, but ŠÄmlu and OstÄjlu amirs circumvented MirzÄ SalmÄn and secretly concluded a cease-fire with Moršedqoli Khan. MirzÄ SalmÄn’s brinkmanship in Khorasan (sources such as ḴolÄá¹£at al-tawÄrikò and NoqÄwat al-ÄṯÄr emphasize his control over the QezelbÄš amirs) contributed to the coalescing of a conspiracy around the qorÄi bÄši (commander of royal cavalry) Qoli Beg AfšÄr, the ³¾´Ç³ó°ù»åÄå°ù (seal holder), ŠÄhroḵ Khan Ḏu’l-Qadar, and Moḥammad Khan TorkmÄn. Assassins were dispatched after MirzÄ SalmÄn on May 12, 1583 when he left Herat to organize a celebratory feast at the shrine of his ancestor, Ê¿Abd-AllÄh Aná¹£Äri, in GÄzorgÄh (q.v.), but supporters alerted him to this threat. He quickly returned to Herat and sought asylum in the madrasa of Solá¹­Än-Ḥosayn BayqarÄ where ḴodÄbanda and Ḥamza MirzÄ had set up their royal apartments. Surrounded by QezelbÄš amirs who argued that only strife and civil war would result from SalmÄn’s continued presence, the shah acceded to the conspirators’ demands. QezelbÄš amirs killed the Persian vizier in the BÄḡ-e ZÄḡÄn, after which his head was sent to Ê¿Aliqoli Khan ŠÄmlu and his body was hung publicly in Herat. Later, a military judge (qÄżi-e moÊ¿askar), Mir Abu’l-WÄli Inju, decreed that his body be interred properly at the Gonbad-e Mir WÄli in Mashad (al-Qommi, pp. 746-47). MirzÄ SalmÄn was not noted for any scholarly or literary endeavors, but the text of one of his letters, to the Ottoman noble SinÄn Pasha, was preserved by al-Qommi in ḴolÄá¹£at al-tawÄriḵ (pp. 717-21). 


QÄżi Aḥmad b. Šaraf-al-Din al-Ḥosayn al-Qommi, ḴolÄá¹£at al-tawÄrikò, 2 vols., ed. E. EšrÄqi, Tehran, 1980.

Maḥmud b. HedÄyat-AllÄh Afuštaʾi Na-á¹­anzi, NoqÄwat al-ÄṯÄr, ed. E. EšrÄqi, Tehran, 1971.

Eskandar Beg Monši, TÄriḵ-e Ê¿ÄlamÄrÄ-ye Ê¿AbbÄsi, 2 vols., ed. and tr. R. Savory, Boulder, 1978.

Moḥammad Yusof VÄleh Eá¹£fahÄni, Ḵold-e barin, ed. M. H. Moḥaddeṯ, Tehran, 1993.

ManuÄehr PÄrsÄdust, ŠÄh EsmÄÊ¿il-e dovvom: šojÄÊ¿-e tabÄh šoda, Tehran, 2002.

Naá¹£r-AllÄh Falsafi, ZendagÄni-e ŠÄh Ê¿AbbÄs-e awwal I, Tehran, 1966.

R. Savory, “The Significance of the Political Murder of Salman Mirza,” Islamic Studies 3, 1964, pp. 181-91.

(Colin Paul Mitchell)

Originally Published: December 15, 2007

Last Updated: April 5, 2012

This article is available in print.
Vol. XIV, Fasc. 3, pp. 313-314

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Colin Paul Mitchell, “´³Ä€µþ·¡¸é±õ,” Encyclopaedia Iranica, XIV/3, pp. 313-314, available online at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/jaberi (accessed on 30 December 2012).