²Ï°¿á¹¬B-AL-DIN ŠIRÄ€ZI, ²Ñ²¹á¸¥m³Ü»å b. Å»¾±Äåʾ-al-Din MasÊ¿ud b. ²Ñ´Çá¹£l±ðḥ, known also as Ê¿AllÄma ŠirÄzi, al-ŠÄreḥ al-Ê¿AllÄma, and MollÄ Qoá¹­b and nicknamed Abu’l-á¹®anÄʾ, a Persian polymath, Sufi, and poet (b. Shiraz, October 1236; d. Tabriz, 7 February 1311; see Ebn Ḥajar, IV, p. 339; QÄšÄni, p. 118). His father, Å»¾±Äåʾ-al-Din MasÊ¿ud KÄzeruni, was a well-known physician and a leading Sufi, who had received his ḵe°ù±ç²¹ (Sufi robe) from ŠehÄb-al-Din Ê¿Omar Sohravardi, and who, in turn, as a blessing, garbed his son, the young Qoá¹­b-al-Din, in a Sufi robeat the age of ten. Nevertheless, Qoá¹­b-al-Din later received his own robe from the hands of Najib-al-Din Ê¿Ali b. Bozḡoš ŠirÄzi, a noted Sufi shaikh of the time (Dorrat al-³ÙÄåj, p. 263).

Qoá¹­b al-Din began studying medicine, first under his father, who taught and practiced medicine at the Moẓaffari hospital in Shiraz, and, after his father’s death, with his uncle and other masters of the period. He studied Avicenna’s ²ÏÄå²Ô³Ü²Ô (the Canon) and its commentaries, including the famous commentary of Faḵr-al-Din RÄzi, with which the young Qoá¹­b-al-Din raised many issues, and which led to his decision to write his own commentary, where he discussed those issues and resolved many of them subsequently in the company of Naá¹£ir-al-Din Ṭusi.

Qoá¹­b-al-Din lost his father at the age of fourteen. He replaced his father as an ophthalmologist at the Moẓaffari hospital and, at the same time, continued his education under his uncle KamÄl-al-Din Abu’l-Ḵayr and then Šaraf-al-Din Zaki BuškÄni and Šams-al-Din Moḥammad Kiši, all of whom were expert teachers of the ²ÏÄå²Ô³Ü²Ô (Minovi, p. 346; Barkašavi, in Ebn Ḥajar (RokšÄni in Wiedemann, 1986, p. 547). Ten years later, he quit his medical practice to devote all his time to his education, and when Naá¹£ir-al-Din Ṭusi, the renowned scholar-vizier of the Mongol HolÄgu Khan (q.v.), established the observatory of MarÄḡa, the young Qoá¹­b-al-Din was among the many scholars who were attracted to that city from all over country; he left Shiraz for MarÄḡa some time after 1260 and reached MarÄḡa some time about 1262 (see Qoá¹­b-al-Din, al-Toḥfa al-saÊ¿diya, MS, introduction; according to Minovi 1988, p. 347).

In MarÄḡa, Qoá¹­b-al-Din resumed his education under Naá¹£ir-al-Din Ṭusi, with whom he studied the al-EšÄrÄt wa’l-tanbihÄt of Avicenna, discussed the difficulties he had had in understanding the first book (°­´Ç±ô±ô¾±²âÄå³Ù) of the ²ÏÄå²Ô³Ü²Ô, and, while working in the new observatory, studied astronomy under him. According to ḴvÄndamir (III, pp. 116-17), on one occasion he accompanied his master, Naá¹£ir-al-Din, to an audience with HolÄgu, in which the latter said that the only reason for not killing Naá¹£ir-al-Din was that his death would leave the astronomical table (zij) he was working on unfinished; Qoá¹­b-al-Din replied that he would complete the task; and, when asked by Naá¹£ir-al-Din after leaving the audience whether he was serious about what he had said, the young pupil had no hesitation in giving his master the same assurance. In spite of his considerable work at the observatory, it is worth noting that neither Rašid-al-Din Fażl-AllÄh (p. 63), nor ŠehÄb-al-Din WaṣṣÄf (pp. 51-52) makes any reference to Qoá¹­b-al-Din in this connection. More noteworthy, perhaps, is the absence of Qoá¹­b-al-Din’s name among the list of the names that Naá¹£ir-al-Din has mentioned as his assistants in the introduction to his Zij (Kašf al-ẓonun II, p. 967; cf. Minovi, 1988, pp. 347-48). Nevertheless, in his testament (·É²¹á¹£i²â²¹), Naá¹£ir-al-Din advises that his son A á¹£il-al-Din should work with Qoá¹­b-al-Din on the completion of the zij.

Qoá¹­b-al-Din’s stay in MarÄḡa did not last very long. He traveled to Khorasan in the company of Naá¹£ir-al-Din, where he decided to stay on to study under Najm-al-Din KÄtebi Qazvini in Jovayn and work as his assistant. Some time after 1268, he set out on a journey which took him to Qazvin, Isfahan, and Baghdad, and later Konya in Anatolia, just at the time when JalÄl-al-Din Moḥammad Balḵi Rumi (q.v.) was gaining fame there, and whom he reportedly met (Ebn Abi’l-WafÄʾ, II, p. 124; ḤÄfeẓ Ḥosayn, I, pp. 326-27; Minovi, 1988, p. 349). In Konya he studied JÄmeÊ¿ al-oá¹£ul men aḥÄdiṯ al-rasul of Majd-al-Din MobÄrak Ebn al-Aṯir with á¹¢adr-al-Din Qunawi (d. 1274), who had had a well-known correspondence with Naá¹£ir-al-Din Ṭusi; subsequently, the governor of Konya, MoÊ¿in-al-Din SolaymÄn ParvÄna (see Ebn Bibi, p. 272-332), appointed á¹¢adr-al-Din as judge (±çÄåż¾±) of Sivas and Malatya, where he compiled Mef³ÙÄåḥ al-mef³ÙÄåh, EḵtiÄrÄt al-moẓaffariya, and his commentary on SakkÄki (Minovi, 1988, p. 350). In 1282, he was sent by the Mongol Il-khan Aḥmad TakudÄr (r. 1282-84) as an envoy to Sayf-al-Din QalÄwun (r. 1279-90), the Mamluk ruler of Egypt (Abu’l-FedÄʾ, IV, p.17; Ebn Ḵaldun, V, p. 546; Ebn al-Ê¿EmÄd, V, p. 370). In his letter to QalÄwun, TakudÄr referred to Qoá¹­b-al-Din as the chief judge (²¹±çż²¹&°ù²õ±ç³Ü´Ç;±ô-±ç´ÇżÄå³Ù ; see WaṣṣÄf, I, pp.113-18; Ebn al-Ê¿Ebri, p. 506-18). Later, Qoá¹­b-al-Din collected various critiques of and commentaries on the ²ÏÄå²Ô³Ü²Ô and used them in his commentary on the °­´Ç±ô±ô¾±²âÄå³Ù (Minovi, pp. 350-51; Wiedemann, 1986, p. 547).

The last part of Qoá¹­b al-Din’s active career was spent in Syria, where he taught the two celebrated works of Avicenna, the ²ÏÄå²Ô³Ü²Ô on medicine and the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;±ð´ÚÄåʾ on philosophy. He soon left for Tabriz, where he spent the rest of his life. He died on 7 February 1311 and was buried in the ÄŒarandÄb Cemetery, close to the tomb of QÄżi BayżÄwi (q.v.). The date of his death was commemorated in chronograms and poems (QÄšÄni, pp. 118-19; ḤÄfeẓ Ḥosayn, I, pp. 324, 331; Faá¹£iḥ ḴᵛÄfi, III, p. 18). Qoá¹­b-al-Din had an insatiable passion for learning, evidenced by the twenty-four years that he spent collecting material and studying with masters of the time in order to write his commentary on the °­´Ç±ô±ô¾±²âÄå³Ù; he was deservedly distinguished and remembered for his extensive breadth of knowledge as well as for his clever sense of humor and indiscriminate generosity. He was also a master chess player and played the °ù²¹²úÄå²ú, a kind of viol (Minovi, 1988, pp. 351, 355-59; EqbÄl; Wiedemann, 1986, p. 547).

Works (arranged by title in alphabetical order). (1) Dorrat al-³ÙÄåj fi ḡorrat al-dabbÄj, also known as Anmuzaj al-Ê¿olum and traditionally referred to by students as AnbÄn-e MollÄ Qoá¹­b or HemyÄn-e Qoá¹­b, an encyclopedic work on philosophy (comp. 21 June 1306), written for Rostam DabbÄj, one of the EsḥÄqvand rulers of ³Ò¾±±ôÄå²Ô, during his stay with the latter (á¹¢a´ÚÄå, ´¡»å²¹²ú¾±²âÄå³Ù III, pp. 240-41, 1229-30; Minovi, 1988, pp. 369-70). The parts on natural sciences, theology (±ð±ôÄå³ó¾±²âÄå³Ù), logic, public affairs and the introduction were edited by Sayyed Moḥammad MeškÄt (5 vols. in one, Tehran, 1938; repr., Tehran, 1986). From its part on mathematics, the treatises on astronomy, arithmetic, and music were edited by á¹¢Ädeq Sotuda (Tehran, 1945), and the section on ethics and mysticism, that is, the third and fourth sections, were edited by MÄhdoḵt BÄnu HomÄʾi (as Dorrat al-³ÙÄåj, baḵš-eḥekmat-e Ê¿amali wa sayr o soluk, Tehran, 1990). (2) EḵtiÄrÄt-e moẓaffari, a treatise on astronomy in Persian in four chapters, extracted from his NehÄyat al-edrÄk and dedicated to Moẓaffar-al-Din Bulaq ArslÄn (Kašf al-ẓonun I, p. 35; Minovi, 1988, p. 352). (3) ´¡±ô-·¡²Ô³Ù±ðá¹£Äf, a gloss in Arabic on JÄr-AllÄh ²Ñ²¹á¸¥m³Ü»å Zamaḵšari’s Qurʾan commentary, al-KaššÄf Ê¿an al-ḥaqÄʾeq al-tanzil wa Ê¿oyun al-aqÄwil (Zerekli, VIII, p. 66). (4) Fatḥ al-mannÄn fi tafsir al-QorʾÄn,a comprehensive commentary on the Qurʾan in forty volumes, written in Arabic and also known by the title Tafsir Ê¿allÄmi (Kašf al-ẓonun II, p. 1235; Zerekli, VIII, p. 66). (5) Fi ḥarakÄt al-dahraja wa’l-nesba bayn al-mostawi wa’l-monḥani, written as an appendix to NehÄyat al-edrÄk (Wiedemann, 1986, p. 548). (6) ḤĚia bar Ḥekmat al-Ê¿ayn, on theology; as indicated by the title, it is a commentary of Ḥekmat al-Ê¿ayn of Najm-al-Din Ê¿Ali DabirÄn KÄtebi; Moḥammad b. MobÄrakšÄh BoḵÄri, in his own commentary on KÄtebi’s book, refers also to Qoá¹­b-al-Din’s remarks and comments on the same work by the expression “in the Qoá¹­b’s comments” (fi’l-ḥawÄši al-qoá¹­biya;see Kašf al-ẓonun I, p. 685). (7) Ke³ÙÄåb faÊ¿alta wa lÄ talom fi’l-hayʾa, an Arabic work on astronomy, written for Aá¹£il-al-Din, son of Naá¹£ir-al-Din Ṭusi (8) MoškelÄt al-eÊ¿rÄb on Arabic syntax (Minovi, 1988, p. 353). (9) MoškelÄt al-tafÄsir or MoškelÄt al-QorʾÄn, on rhetoric; both Zerekli and ḤÄji Ḵalifa have ascribed this to Qoá¹­b-al-Din, although one can deduct from HÄáji Ḵalifa’s comments that he had not actually seen it (Kašf al-ẓonun II, p. 1695; Zerekli, VIII, p. 66). (10) Mef³ÙÄåḥ al-mef³ÙÄåhá, a commentary on the third section of the Mef³ÙÄåḥ al-Ê¿olum, a book on Arabic grammar and rhetoric by Abu YaÊ¿qub SerÄj-al-Din Yusof SakkÄki ḴᵛÄrazmi (Modarres, IV, p. 471). According to HÄáji Ḵalifa (Kašf al-ẓonun, II, p. 1763), Qoá¹­b-al-Din’s work was the first commentary ever written on this book. According to DawlatšÄh Samarqandi (pp. 218-19), Qoá¹­b-al-Din wrote this work at the request of the poet HomÄm Tabrizi. A manuscript of it exists in the library of the SepahsÄlÄr Madrasa (MS 299). (11) NehÄyat al-edrÄk fi derÄyat al-aflÄk, on astronomy, in Arabic, divided into four chapters, written for BahÄʾ-al-Din Moḥammad Jovayni, governor of Isfahan and son of Šams-al-Din Jovayni. SenÄn Pasha wrote a commentary on it (see Kašf al-ẓonun II, p. 1985; Minovi, 1988, pp. 378-79). (12) ResÄla fi’l-baraá¹£, a medical treatise on leprosy in Arabic (Zerekli, ´¡Ê¿±ôÄå³¾, VIII, p. 66). (13) ResÄla fi bayÄn al-ḥÄjat ela’l-á¹­ebb wa ÄdÄb al-aá¹­ebbÄʾ wa waá¹£ÄyÄ-hom (Zerekli, VIII, p. 66; Fehrest al-kotob al-Ê¿arabiya al- moḥfuẓa be’l-KotobḵÄna al-ḵediwiya VI, p. 35).(14) Šarḥ Taá¸kera naá¹£iriya, on astronomy. HÄáji Ḵalifa attributed this commentary on Naá¹£ir-al-Din Ṭusi to Qoá¹­b-al-Din on the authority of others (Kašf al-ẓonun I, p. 35; á¹¢a´ÚÄå, ´¡»å²¹²ú¾±²âÄå³Ù, III, p. 270). (15) Šarḥ Ḥekmat al-ešrÄq Šayḵ ŠehÄb-al-Din Sohravardi, on philosophy and mysticism, in Arabic. To this commentary Ê¿Abd-al-Karim (d. ca. 1494) devoted a gloss in Persian (Kašf al-ẓonun I, p. 684; Minovi, 1988, pp. 371-72). A lithographed edition of this commentary was published in 1897 in Tehran (new ed. by Ê¿Abd-AllÄh NurÄni and Mahdi Moḥaqqeq, Tehran, 2001). (16) Šarḥ Moḵtaá¹£ar al-oá¹£ul Ebn ḤÄjeb, a commentary on Ebn ḤÄjeb’s Montaha’l-soʾÄl wa’l-Ê¿amal fi Ê¿elmay al-oá¹£ul wa’l-jadwal, a book on the sources of law according to the Malikite school of thought (Kašf al-ẓonun II, p. 1853). (17) SazÄvÄr-e EfteḵÄr, Moḥammad-Ê¿Ali Modarres (IV, p. 471) attributes a book by this title to Qoá¹­b-al-Din, without providing any information about its content (see also DehḵodÄ, s.v. Qoá¹­b-al-Din). (18) Tarjoma-ye Taḥrir-e Oqlides [Euclid], a work on geometry in Persian in fifteen chapters, completed in ŠaÊ¿bÄn 681/November 1282 and dedicated to MoÊ¿in-al-Din SolaymÄn ParvÄna (Minovi, 1988, pp. 352, 368-69; QorbÄni, p. 430; Modarres, IV, p. 471). (19) Al-Toḥfa al-saÊ¿diya, also called Nozhat al-ḥokamÄʾ wa rawżat al-aá¹­ebbÄʾ, on medicine, a comprehensive commentary in five volumes on the °­´Ç±ô±ô¾±²âÄå³Ù of the ²ÏÄå²Ô³Ü²Ô of Avicenna, written in Arabic. It is one of the most important works of its kind; it is dedicated to SaÊ¿d-al-Din Moḥammad SÄvaji, the vizier of the Mongol ruler ḠazÄn Khan (r. 1295-1304, hence the book’s title). The author died before he could complete this work. A manuscript is preserved in the SepahsÄlar Library (Ke³ÙÄåb-ḵÄna-ye Madrasa-ye SepahsÄlÄr) in Tehran (Minovi, 1988, pp. 351, 361-62, 374-75). (20) Al-Toḥfa al-šÄhiya fi’l-hayʾa, an Arabic book on astronomy, comprised of four chapters, written for Moḥammad b. á¹¢adr-al-SaÊ¿id, known as TÄj-al-EslÄm AmiršÄh. MollÄ Ê¿Ali Qušji and Sayyed Šarif JorjÄni have written commentaries on this book (á¹¢a´ÚÄå, ´¡»å²¹²ú¾±²âÄå³Ù III, p. 271; Minovi, 1988, p. 368). (20-21) Zerekli (VIII, p. 66) has credited Qoá¹­b-al-din with the authorship of two books, TÄj al-Ê¿olum and ²¹±ô-°Õ²¹²úá¹£e°ù²¹, which are not mentioned in other sources. Qoá¹­b-al-Din is also credited with the authorship of a book on ethics in Persian, written for Malek Ê¿Ezz-al-Din, the ruler of Shiraz, and a book on astronomy, titled Ḥall moškelÄt al-Majesá¹­i, of none of which an existing manuscript has been reported. He also wrote poetry, but apparently did not leave a »å¾±±¹Äå²Ô (Minovi, 1988, pp. 352, 363-64).



Abu’l-FedÄʾ EsmÄÊ¿il, Moḵtaá¹£ar taʾriḵ al-bašar, 4 vols., Istanbul, 1869-70.

Brockelmann, GAL II, pp. 274-75.

Ebn Abi’l-WÄfÄʾ, al-JawÄher al-możiÊ¿a fi á¹­abaqÄt al-ḥanafiya, Hyderabad, 1914.

Ebn Bibi, ³§²¹±ôÂá³Ü±ç-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, ed. Martijn Theodoor Houtsma, Recueil de textes relatifs à l’histoire des Seldjoucides 4, Leiden, 1902.

Ebn al-ʿEbri (Bar Hebraeus), Taʾriḵ moḵtaṣar al-dowal, Beirut, 1890.

Ebn al-Ê¿EmÄd, Šaá¸arÄtal-á¸ahab fi aḵbÄr man á¸ahab, 8 vols., Cairo, 1931-32.

Ebn Ḥajar Ê¿AsqalÄni, al-Dorar al-kÄmena fi aÊ¿yÄn al-meÊ¿a al-ṯÄmena, 4 vols., Hyderabad, Deccan, 1929-31.

Ebn Ḵaldun, Ke³ÙÄåb al-Ê¿ebar, 7 vols., Cairo, 1867.

Cyril Elgood, A Medical History of Persia and the Eastern Caliphate, Amsterdam, 1979, pp. 307-8.

Ê¿AbbÄs EqbÄl, “Ê¿AllÄma-ye Qoá¹­b-al-Din-e ŠirÄzi (634 ³ÙÄå 710),” ´¡°ù³¾²¹á¸¡Än 13/10, 1932, pp. 659-68; repr. in idem, MajmuÊ¿a-ye maqÄlÄt-e Ê¿AbbÄs EqbÄl Ä€štiÄni, ed. Moḥammad DabirsiÄqi, Tehran, 1990, pp. 441-49.

Faá¹£iḥ Aḥmad b. Moḥammad ḴᵛÄfi, Mojmal-e faá¹£iḥi, ed. ²Ñ²¹á¸¥m³Ü»å Farroḵ, 3 vols., Mashad, 1960-62.

ḤÄfeẓ Ḥosayn KarbalÄʾi, RawżÄt al-jenÄn wa jannÄt al-janÄn, ed. JaÊ¿far Solá¹­Än-al-QorrÄʾi, 2 vols., Tehran, 1965-70, pp. 324-31.

Kašf al-ẓonun, ed. Åž. Åžerefeddin Yaltkaya and K. R. Bilge, 2 vols., Istanbul, 1941-43.

GiÄṯ-al-Din b. HomÄm-al-Din ḴᵛÄndamir, Ḥabib al-siar, 4 vols., Tehran, 1954, III, pp. 116, 154.

Moḥammad-ʿAli Modarres, Rayḥanat al-adab, 8 vols., Tehran, n. d., IV, pp. 470-72.

MojtabÄ Minovi, “MollÄ Qoá¹­b-e ŠirÄzi,” in YÄd-nÄma-ye irÄni-e Minorski, Tehran, 1969, pp. 165-205; publ. also in idem, Naqd-e ḥÄl, Tehran, 1988, pp. 344-86 (contains useful information on manuscripts).

Abu’l-QÄsem Ê¿Abd-AllÄh b. Moḥammad QÄšÄni, TÄriḵ-e UljÄytu, ed. Mahin Hambly, Tehran, 1969, pp. 118-20.

Abu’l-QÄsem QorbÄni, “Qoá¹­b-al-Din ŠirÄzi, riÄżidÄn wa monajjem-e zebrardast-e irÄni,” RÄhnamÄ-ye ke³ÙÄåb 11, 1968, pp. 428-35.

Rašid al-Din Fażl-AllÄh, JÄmeÊ¿ al-tawÄriḵ, ed. and tr. Étienne Quatremère as Histoire des Mongols de la Perse, Paris, 1836.

á¹¢a´ÚÄå, ´¡»å²¹²ú¾±²âÄå³Ù III, pp. 271-72.

John Walbridge, The Science of Mystic Lights: Quá¹­b al-Din ShÄ«rÄzÄ« and the Illumination Tradition in Islamic Philosophy, Cambridge, Mass, 1992; tr. JawÄd QÄsemi as Qoá¹­b-al-Din ŠirÄzi wa Ê¿elm-e anwÄr dar falsafa-ye eslÄmi, Mashad, 1996.

ŠehÄb-al-Din Ê¿Abd-AllÄh WaṣṣÄf Ḥażra, Tajziat al-amá¹£Är wa tazjiat al-aÊ¿á¹£Är,Bombay, 1897.

E. Wiedemann, “Ḳuá¹­b al-DÄ«n ShÄ«rÄzÄ«,” in EI2 V, 1986, pp. 547-48.

Idem, “Zu den optischen Kentnissen von Quá¹­b al-Dîn al-Schîrâzî,” Archiv für die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik 3, 1912, pp. 187-93.

Idem, “Über die Gestalt, Lage und Bewegung der Erde sowie philosophisch-astronomische Betrachtungen von Quá¹­b al-Dîn al-Schîrâzî,” ibid., pp. 395-422.

Zerekli, al-´¡Ê¿±ôÄå³¾, 2nd ed., 10 vols., Cairo, 1954-59.

August 29, 2005

(Sayyed Ê¿Abd-AllÄh AnwÄr)

Originally Published: July 20, 2005

Last Updated: July 20, 2005