ĀŌ, Middle Persian form of Avestan &ٳٲ;. The form ō continues Av. &ٳٲ;ܳܲə (acc. sing.) whereas the also attested form ō (Pahlavi Videvdād and Vispred, Pazand ū) is most likely to continue &ٳٲ;ܳܲ (nom. sing.), cf. Pazand &Dz; for Av. ašauua (Pahl. ahlaw). In Middle Persian texts ō designates a member of the priestly class and is almost invariably mentioned together with ŧ&Dz; and ٲō&Dz;, members of the warrior and farmer classes.

See also Class System.


Originally Published: December 15, 1987

Last Updated: August 17, 2011

This article is available in print.
Vol. II, Fasc. 8, pp. 802-803