Table of Contents


    Ehsan Siahpoush

    (Missing Soluch, 2007), a novel by Mahmud Dowlatabadi, details the quotidian drudgery that plagues the Iranian peasantry, as well as the impact of land reform on rural families of meager means.

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  • JABA

    Peter Jackson

    (Jebe), 13th-century Mongol general of the Besüt (Bisut) tribe under Čengiz Khan. His original name was Jirḡoʾadai.



    SHIʿITE ULAMA OF, in the Safavid Period. The Safavid monarchs sought prominent clerics who would strengthen their rule by promoting a standard urban system of  Shiʿite worship.


    Erwin Grötzbach

    a small town in the province of Parvān in Afghanistan, located at the mouth of the Sālang valley in Kabul Kohestān to the north of the city of Charikar (Čārikār).


    M. Jamil Hanifi

    the leading lineage of the Solaymān Ḵēl Paxtun tribe of the Ḡalzi/Ḡilzi tribal confederation of eastern and southeastern Afghanistan.

  • Ā鴡

    P. Oberling

    a group of Shiʿite Arabs in Fārs province who, together with the Šaybāni, form the Arab tribe of the Ḵamsa tribal confederation.


    Maria Dakake

    ABU ʿABD-ALLĀH, a Kufan traditionist and companion of the fifth and sixth Shiʿite Imams, Moḥammad al-Bāqer and Jaʿfar al-Ṣādeq.

  • Ā

    Colin Paul Mitchell

    MIRZĀ SALMĀN, vizier and prominent statesman during the reigns of Shah Esmāʿil II (1576-77) and Shah Moḥammad Ḵodābanda (1577-88).

  • ḠU۴

    C. Edmund Bosworth

    Arabo-Persian form of the Central Asian title yabḡu. Although it is best known as a Turkish title of nobility, it was in use many centuries before the Turks appear in the historical record.


    Steven C. Anderson

    Golden or Asiatic (Canis aureus, MPers. ō, NPers. tura, &Dz;ḡāl), a medium-size member of the dog family (Canidae) occurring throughout Afghanistan and Iran. Scavenging supplies a small percentage of the diet, especially in habitats away from humans; and carrion consists mainly of road kill and, around villages, garbage.

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