ٱҶŌ, the name of Zoroaster’s mother, which appears in several different spellings in the Pahlavi texts, mostly more or less corrupted from an original attempt at representing the Avestan form. The ŧ԰첹 has consistently the best spelling, ɰʾɲˈ, to be pronounced Dugdōw or Duγdōw. In different manuscripts of selections from (5.1) it appears corrupted to dwktkˈ (possibly for *dwktwk) and dwtkwb (probably from *dwktwb). In the manuscripts of the Greater Bundahišn it is always written &;ʾ (TD1 203.10-11; TD2 236.10-11; DH 107.1), which appears transliterated into Pāzand letters as &; in the Indian version (ms. K20, fol. 128v, l. 14). Lastly, in Šāyest nē šāyest there occur (10.4) ɰʾˈ and the variants ɰٰʾˈ and ɳٰʾ (12.11) for earlier *ɰʾ. The Avestan form is preserved only in a single fragment (FrD 4), corrupted in both manuscripts. It can, however, be reliably reconstructed as Duγdōwā-, interpreted as “with milked cows.” Whether as cause or effect, this name presumably refers to the tradition, preserved in its fullest form in the ŧ԰첹 (VII, chap. 2), according to which some virgin heifers belonging to Dugdōw’s husband, Pōrušasp, began to give milk (awēšān gāwān 2 azādagān pēm be mad), in which the vegetable essence (ō) of Zoroaster was mixed. Pōrušasp instructed his wife to milk those heifers. He had already acquired, through divine intervention, some haoma twigs containing the frawahr, the guardian spirit, of Zoroaster. When this haoma was pressed and the juice mixed with the milk both parents drank of it, thus imbibing both the frawahr and the ō of the future prophet. As Dugdōw had carried the xwarrah of Zoroaster within her since her birth, causing her to radiate light about her, the three elements, xwarrah, frawahr, and tan-ō “physical essence” were united in the embryo of Zoroaster.


Bibliography: (For cited works not found in this bibliography and for abbreviations found here, see “Short References.”)

Boyce, Zoroastrianism I, pp. 277 ff. Iranisches Personennamenbuch I/1, Vienna, 1977, pp. 36-37.

R. Zwanziger, “Zum Namen der Mutter Zarathustras,” Anz. der phil.-hist. Klasse der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften 114, 1977, pp. 251 ff. (with complete text references).

(D. N. MacKenzie)

Originally Published: December 15, 1996

Last Updated: December 2, 2011

This article is available in print.
Vol. VII, Fasc. 6, p. 585