

³ÒÅŒ¶Ù´¡¸é´Ü, name of various Iranian historical figures; an Iranian epic hero in wars against the “Turanians” in northeastern Iran; and the scion of a clan of paladins in Iranian traditional history.

i. Historical figures.

ii. The epic hero.

iii. The Godarzian.


The name GÅdarz (Gk. Gotarzes) was borne by two Arsacid kings, by Parthian princes and nobles, and occasionally by Sasanian dignitaries (Justi, Namenbuch, pp. 118-19).


GÅdarz I (r. 91-80[?] B.C.E). The Nisa ostracon no. 2638 (1760) is held to record the date of his accession according to the Arsacid era (Diakonoff and Livshits, 1960, p. 113; idem, 1976, p. 2, Group XIX). It bears the words: “Year 157. Aršak, king, grandson of FrÄ«apÄtak, son of the nephew of Aršak” (ŠNT I CXXXXX 1111111 ʾršk MLKʾ [BRY Z]Y [pry]ptk BRY ʾHYBR[Y ZY] ʾršk; Lukonin, p. 687, giving readings revised by the original editors). GÅdarz thus stood in the same relationship to Priyapatius (FrÄ«apÄtak) as did Mithradates II, who reigned from about 124-87 B.C.E, and it may well be that he was that king’s younger brother. The overlap in their reigns, with no indication of civil strife, suggests that the old king appointed GÅdarz his co-regent during his own last years, and he appears to have given him wide authority. A Babylonian astronomical text of 90 B.C.E. is dated to the reign of “Arsaces the king who is called Gotarzes” (McEwan, pp. 91-94), and presumably therefore GÅdarz is the “Arsaces” who struck four issues of tetradrachms in Seleucia in the years 91-88 (Sellwood, type 31.1-4). These show him wearing the high tiara adopted by Mithradates, and bear the legend: “Of the Great King Arsaces, general (autokrator-), loving his father (philopator-), (god) manifest, friend to Greeks.” Of these epithets, the relatively humble autokrator had not been used since the time of Arsaces I (Abgarians and Sellwood, p. 113) and may have been chosen by GÅdarz to indicate subordination to his brother, the king of kings, while philopator would have stressed that his own claim to rule was through their father, Artabanus II (ca. 128-24 B.C.E). Related drachms and bronzes were struck at mints across the Iranian plateau (Sellwood, type 31.5-20).

Upon Mithradates’ presumed death in 87 B.C.E, GÅdarz was probably able to continue alone on the throne. This cannot, however, be proved, for the Babylonian dating formulas then revert to the standard “Arsaces, king.” Tetradrachms struck in 86 and 86/ 85 B.C.E. show that this Arsaces kept the title of “great king” but changed his titulary to that used latterly by Mithradates: “beneficent, (god) manifest, friend to Greeks” (Sellwood, type 32.1). If these coins indeed belong to GÅdarz, he probably reigned for another seven years, during which time Tigranes the Great of Armenia took from Parthia some of her outlying possessions in the west, and even led a campaign into Media (see Chaumont, p. 420). The Parthian king was forced to make terms, recognizing his conquests and his assumption of the title “king of kings”; and possibly it was resentment of this among the Parthian nobles which led to the succession being disputed after GÅdarz’ death (?) in 80 B.C.E. This is indicated by a Babylonian text of that year with a new dating formula: “Arsaces who is called Orodes” (McEwan, p. 93).

A sculpture at Bisotun, badly damaged in the 18th century, shows five figures identified by Greek superscriptions as (it seems) Mithradates II and four dignitaries (Herzfeld, 1920, pp. 35-40 with tables 21-22; further comments by Colledge, p. 90; von Gall, p. 13). The first dignitary is identified as “Gotarzes satrap of satraps,” a uniquely recorded title which might have been conferred on GÅdarz I before he became king.

GÅdarz II (ca. 38-51 C.E.). Events after the death in about 38 C.E. of Artabanus III are not wholly clear, because the two chief authorities, Tactitus (Annals 11.8 ff.) and Josephus (Antiquities 20.69 ff.) sometimes conflict. Most probably Artabanus was succeeded by his son Vardanes I, but another son, GÅdarz, a half-brother, made a bid for the throne. Seleucia was then in rebellion, but Vardanes’ attempt to take it by siege was thwarted by GÅdarz. Soon afterwards the city yielded to Vardanes, but in 42 tetradrachms were minted there, in different months, for both brothers, each as “king of kings.” Vardanes’ coins bear in their fixed order what were by then the established epithets of a Parthian king: “beneficent, just, (god) manifest, friend to Greeks;” but on one small issue of GÅdarz philhellenos is set first, and his own name replaces “Arsaces” (Sellwood, type 66.1, 2). Further, on some rare drachms of his (Sellwood, type 66.3) there is a unique legend in bad Greek: BASLIEUS BASLIEON (sic) ARSAKOU OUS KEKALOUMENOS ARTABANOU GOTERZES “King of kings, [coin] of Arsaces called Gotarzes, (son) of Artabanus.” The brothers’ conflict was temporarily settled by GÅdarz being given suzerainty, still as “king of kings,” over “Hyrcania,” that is, the Parthian realms east of the Caspian Gates (q.v.); but before long he took up arms again. Vardanes defeated him in a battle at the boundary of their kingdoms (Tacitus, Annals 11.10; Kiessling, cols. 506-07), forcing him to flee to the Dahae on the steppes; but in perhaps 47 C.E. Vardanes was murdered while hunting, and GÅdarz gained the Parthian throne (Debevoise, p. 169). Before long, however, a group of Parthian nobles led by the head of the house of KÄrin brought from Rome to challenge him Meherdates, a young grandson of Phraates IV. GÅdarz, having prayed before battle at “Mount Sanbulos” (identified by scholars with Bisotun or Karafto, see for recent bibliography and discussion von Gall, p. 12 with nn. 8-10), was victorious (Tacitus, Annals 13.13-14). He died in 51, and as far as is known was succeeded peacefully by Vonones II, presumed to be his son.



“King GÅdarz” at Sar-e Pol-e ḎohÄb. A rough little sculpture of the late Parthian period, in shallow relief and much weathered, was carved high up in a cliff-face of the Alvand gorge, near Sar-e Pol-e ḎohÄb. It shows two figures in Parthian dress. One, mounted, wears a diadem, his face being turned towards the spectator. Before him stands a man represented fully frontally, who stretches out his hand to receive some object from him. The theme is evidently the established one of a ruler bestowing an honor on a dignitary. Both figures were identified by some lines in Parthian script, but those by the standing man are no longer legible, while by the rider all that can be certainly made out is: “This (is) the own image of GÅdarz, king” (ptkr ZNH NPSH gwtrz MLKʾ; see Trümpelmann, Taf. 10, with pp. 14-16, for an excellent photograph, description of the carving and site, and bibliography; see also von Gall, pp. 12-13 and Boyce and Grenet, Zoroastrianism IV, index, s.v. Sarpol-e ZohÄb). The name gwtrz was first read by Gerd Gropp (pp. 316-18). The title “king” was widely accorded to Arsacid princes as provincial governors, one of whom is presumably represented here. On stylistic grounds the sculpture cannot be dated to earlier than the second century C.E., and probably belongs to the late Parthian period (Herzfeld, 1920, p. 53; von Gall, pp. 12-13).

"Gotarzes Geopothros” at Bisotun. Beside the Bisotun carving attributed to Mithradates II, and within the same carefully prepared frame (which apparently predated both, von Gall, p. 13) is a smaller Parthian relief (Herzfeld, 1920, pp. 35-40). This shows a cavalier charging with a lowered lance, a Nike hovering above him. Before him his foeman’s horse stumbles, bringing his rider down. Behind the victor the head and arm of another lance-wielder appear, behind the vanquished a riderless horse gallops away (von Gall, p. 11). Above the carving an irregularly chiselled Greek inscription identifies the main figure as GOTARSES GEOPOTHROS “GÅdarz, son of GÄ“v” (so already Rawlinson, p. 14, who equated Geopothros with an Iranian *³ÒÄ«±¹±è³Ü³Ù°ù; Marquart, p. 642, followed by Herzfeld, 1931, pp. 58-59, and still by von Gall, p. 12, suggested that the *Geopothroi were “the clan of GÄ“v,” and that this was the Parthian equivalent of an old *Vaivazana- > µþŧž²¹²Ô, the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ name of GÄ“v’s son; but this assumed that initial v became g or b in Parthian as in Mid. Pers., which is now known not to have been the case. Mid. Pers. °Âŧž²¹²Ô, beside µþŧž²¹²Ô, is a pseudo-historical back-formation). The monument is too badly weathered, and there is too little other Parthian sculpture on the Iranian plateau, for it to be securely dated; but the use still of Greek suggests a date not later than early in the reign of Vologeses I (51-79 C.E.).


IN THE &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Ä€±á-±·Ä€²Ñ´¡

GÅdarz, son of KašvÄd. This GÅdarz is the greatest of the Parthian warriors tales of whose deeds, blended with those of Avestan heroes, provide much of the material for the main Kayanian cycle of the Iranian “national” epic as presented in Ferdowsi’s &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹. This cycle appears to have acquired its essential form in Arsacid times (Yarshater, pp. 389-91, 396, 436, 458-59, 470), with GÅdarz a central figure. His father KašvÄd (Ṭabari I, pp. 608, 617, JašvÄd, hence probably rather GašvÄd; see Justi, Namenbuch, p. 118; Nöldeke, 1920, p. 10, n. 1) appears, with KÄrin, at the beginning of Iran’s wars with “TurÄn,” answering FerÄ“dÅn’s summons to aid ManuÄehr in avenging the murder of Iraj. He serves under the succeeding kings, but from the beginning of Kay KÄvus’ reign yields place to GÅdarz, who first appears then, with his own son GÄ“v (q.v.) and with ṬÅs, the Avestan hero Tusa (ed. Khaleghi, II, p. 5, tr., II, p. 33).

GÅdarz is a redoubtable fighter, renowned among friends and foes; victor of many single combats, but also a wise commander, who faithfully serves KÄvus and Kay Ḵosrow during their wars to avenge the murder of SiÄvoš. His device is a lion holding sword and mace (ed. Khaleghi, III, p. 20, tr., III, p. 33), and seventy-eight sons and grandsons follow him to war (ed. Khaleghi, III, p. 11, tr., III, p. 24). He grieves bitterly when seventy of them are killed in the battles of LÄdan (LÄvan) and Pašan, won by the Turanians (Wolff, Glossar, s.vv.; tr., IX, s.vv.), and thereafter has a personal blood-debt to claim. This he finally exacts by killing the illustrious Turanian general, PirÄn, son of VÄ“sa, in a hand-to-hand fight (ed. Khaleghi, IV, pp. 128-31, tr., IV, pp. 107-9). This deed is his particular link with ṬÅs, his most constant associate apart from his own kinsmen, for in Yašt 5.53-55 Tusa is permitted by ArÉ™dvi to slay his Tuirya foes, the “valiant sons of VaÄ“saka.”

Through his association with ṬÅs and his especial links with Kay Ḵosrow (Av. Haosravah), GÅdarz is a key figure in the interweaving of Parthian and Avestan traditions. It is he whom SorÅš tells in a dream that GÄ“v must seek the young Ḵosrow, and he leads the party which sets Ḵosrow on the throne (ed. Khaleghi, II, pp. 413, 456 ff., tr., II, pp. 363-64, 399 ff.). He shares in Kay Ḵosrow’s connection with Ä€dur Gušnasp (q.v.), being with him when he builds that sacred fire’s temple (ed. Khaleghi, II, p. 467; tr., II, p. 409); and later, when Kay Ḵosrow is praying before the fire, GÅdarz brings him there the news that AfrÄsiÄb (q.v.) is hiding in lake ČēÄast (q.v.) nearby (ed. Khaleghi, IV, pp. 316-18, tr., IV, pp. 363-64). He was thus given a place, with Kay Ḵosrow, in what appears to be Ä€dur Gušnasp’s shrine legend, based on Yašt 19.77, Yt. 9.18-19 (Boyce and Grenet, Zoroastrianism III, pp. 76, 80 n. 65). When Kay Ḵosrow prepares to leave this world, he appoints GÅdarz to oversee the kingdom (ed. Khaleghi, IV, pp. 351-52, tr., IV, pp. 294-95). GÅdarz is among those who set out with him on his last journey, but, ever obedient to his king’s commands, he turns back, whereas GÄ“v goes on to vanish, with ṬÅs and GÄ“v’s son µþŧž²¹²Ô and two others. This appears to be because GÄ“v could be regarded as one of Iran’s immortals, like ṬÅs, since he came to be identified with Av. GaÄ“vani (Darmesteter, II, p. 638 n. 125; Marquart, p. 642; Christensen, p. 59), another link being thus created between a GÅdarziÄn and an Avestan figure. GÅdarz is the first, after ZÄl, to acknowledge LohrÄsp as king (ed. Khaleghi, IV, pp. 372-73, tr., IV, p. 312), and this is his final act in the epic, by which he is used to help link the main to the later part of the Kayanian cycle.

The Bisotun sculpture establishes the historicity of a Parthian noble of unusual eminence called GÅdarz son of GÄ“v; and it seems reasonable to suppose that the presence of GÅdarziÄn in the Kayanian cycle was the work of his family’s minstrels (²µÅ²õÄå²Ôs), who wove together, with the help of the family’s priests, legends about its distant progenitor, GÅdarz son of KašvÄd, with those of even remoter Avestan figures, and amplified both with more recent family tales, also cast in epic mould, of glory and defeat in frontier wars. (Thus it may be that the huge losses of the GÅdarziÄn at LÄdan and Pašan reflect ones actually suffered by the family, perhaps during the Saka wars in which two Arsacid kings perished.) The minstrels would thus have satisfied at once their patrons’ pride of lineage and Zoroastrian piety, and have awoken in them a special interest in their lays. There was very possibly a real connection, moreover, of the family as wealthy patrons with Ä€dur Gušnasp, which persuaded the highly influential priests of that shrine to honor GÅdarz son of KašvÄd; and perhaps this, and the stirring quality of the minstrels’ tales, combined to make him a hero celebrated throughout Iran.

When subsequently Rostam with his family was brought into the Kayanian cycle (on the primacy of the GÅdarziÄn see Christensen, pp. 138-40), he was given links with GÅdarz, plainly to aid his acceptance. The two are presented as proven and trusted comrades-in-arms, generous in their admiration of each other; and moving verses describe their meeting after many of the GÅdarziÄn had fallen (ed. Khaleghi, III, pp. 173-74, tr., III, p. 171). GÅdarz repeatedly praises Rostam’s greater strength, wisdom, and influence (e.g., ed. Khaleghi, III, pp. 259-60, 284, tr., III, pp. 248, 268). He and GÄ“v regularly go to meet Rostam when he comes to court; and when Kay Ḵosrow behaves strangely, GÅdarz sends GÄ“v to fetch him (ed. Khaleghi, IV, pp. 332-33, tr., IV, p. 278). But in spite of the hugely successful promotion of Rostam, the Parthian hero is not wholly overshadowed by him, for there are essential episodes in the cycle in which Rostam has no part.

Probably the fact that some of the attenuated Parthian king lists of Islamic times (Spiegel, III, p. 194; Justi, Namenbuch, p. 413) give one or two rulers called GÅdarz owes something to the fame of the epic hero, since neither of the historic Arsacids of that name had a long or particularly distinguished reign. This supposition finds support from the fact that a µþŧž²¹²Ô (not an Arsacid name) also appears there. Nöldeke’s supposition (1892, p. 31; idem, 1920, pp. 7-9, para. 8) that the Parthians in the epic, whom he was the first to identify as such, were Arsacid kings and princes brought into the “national tradition” in Sasanian times has been made unsustainable by advances in knowledge (on this see further Boyce and Grenet, Zoroastrianism IV, in preparation, chap. 7).



M. Abgarians and David G. Sellwood, “A Hoard of Early Parthian Drachms,” Numismatic Chronicle, 1971, pp. 103-19.

A. D. H. Bivar, “The Political History of Iran under the Arsacids,” in Camb. Hist. Iran III/1, pp. 21-99.

Mary Boyce, “Gotarzes Geopothros, Artabanus III, and the Kingdom of Hyrcania,” in Reinhard Dittmann et al., eds., Variatio Delectat: Iran und der Wester. Gedenskschrift für Peter Calmeyer, Alter Orient und Altes Testament 272, Munster, 2000.

Marie-Louise Chaumont, “Armenia and Iran ii. The Pre-Islamic Period,” in EIr. II, pp. 418-38.

Arthur Christensen, Les Kayanides, Copenhagen, 1931; tr. ḎabÄ«h-AllÄh á¹¢afÄ as °­²¹²âÄå²Ô¾±Äå²Ô, Tehran, 1343 Š./1964.

Malcolm A. R. Colledge, Parthian Art, London, 1977.

Jehangir Cawarji Coyajee, “The House of Gotarzes: A Chapter of Parthian History in the Shahnameh,” J(R)ASB, N.S., 28, 1932, pp. 207-24.

James Darmesteter, Le Zend-Avesta, 3 vols., Paris, 1960.

Neilson C. Debevoise, A Political History of Parthia, Chicago, 1938.

Igor M. Diakonoff and V. A. Livshits, Dokumenty iz Nisy, Moscow, 1960.

Idem, Parthian Economic Documents from Nisa, ed. D. N. MacKenzie, Corp. Ins. Iran., Texts, I, London, 1976. Dinavari, ed. Guirgass, p. 82.

Ferdowsi, &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, tr. Arthur George and Edmond Warner as The Sháhnáma of Firdausí, 9 vols., London, 1905-25.

Hubertus von Gall, Das Reiterkampfbild in der iranischen und iranischbeinflussten Kunst parthischer und sasanidischer Zeit, Berlin, 1990.

Gerd Gropp, “Die parthische Inschrift von Sar-Pol-e ẔohÄb,” ZDMG 118, 1968, pp. 315-19.

Ernst E. Herzfeld, Am Tor von Asien, London, 1920.

Idem, “Sakastan: geschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den Ausgrabungen am Kuh i Khwadja,” AMI 4, 1931-32, pp. 1-116.

Idem, Archaeological History of Iran, London, 1935, pp. 54-55.

Idem, The Persian Empire: Studies on Geography and Ethnography of the Ancient Near East, ed. Gerold Walser, Wiesbaden, 1968, pp. 13, 26, 320-22.

Ulrich Kahrstedt, Artabanos III. und seine Erben, Bern, 1950.

[Max] Kiessling, “Hyrkania,” in Pauly-Wissowa, IX, cols. 454-526.

V. A. Livshits, “Parthian Documents from South Turkmenistan,” in Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia I, 1994 (1995), p. 315.

Vladimir Grigorevich Lukonin, “Parthian and Sasanian Institutions” in Camb. Hist. Iran III/2, pp. 681-746.

Josef Marquart, “Beiträge zu Geschichte und Sage von ErÄn,” ZDMG 49, 1895, pp. 628-72.

²Ñ²¹²õÊ¿³Ü»å¾±, Moruj, ed. Pellat, I, p. 277.

Gilbert J. P. McEwan, “A Parthian Campaign against Elymais in 77 B.C.,” Iran 24, 1986, pp. 91-94.

Ellis H. Minns, “Parchments of the Parthian Period from Avroman in Kurdistan,” Journal of Hellenic Studies 35, 1915, pp. 22-65.

Theodor Nöldeke, “Persische Studien II,” Sitzungsberichte der Kais. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien 126, 1892.

Idem, Das iranische Nationalepos, Berlin and Leipzig, 1920; tr. Bozorg Ê¿Alawi as ḤamÄsa-ye melli-e IrÄn, Tehran, 1327 Š./1948; tr. L. Bogdanov as "The Iranian National Epic” or the Shahnamah, Journal of the Cama Oriental Institute 7, 1930, repr. Philadelphia, 1979.

Henry C. Rawlinson, “March from ZohÄb to KhÅ«zistÄn,” JRGS 9, 1839, pp. 26-116.

Ḏabih-AllÄh á¹¢afÄ, ḤamÄsa-sarÄʾi dar IrÄn, Tehran, 1363 Š./1984.

David Sellwood, An Introduction to the Coinage of Parthia, London, 1971; 2nd ed., London, 1984.

Friedrich Spiegel, Eranische Alterthumskunde, 3 vols., Leipzig, 1871-78; repr., Leipzig, 1971.

á¹²úÊ¿Äå±ô±ð²ú¾±, Ḡo°ù²¹°ù, pp. 138, 156, 219, 223-23, 232-34, 238, 265-68.

Leo Trümpelmann, “Sarpol-i Zohab: Das parthische Felsrelief,” in Berthel Hrouda et al, eds., Iranische Denkmäler, Lieferung 7, Iranische Felsreliefs C, Berlin, 1976, pp. 14-16.

Ehsan Yarshater, “Iranian National History,” in Camb.Hist. Iran III/1, 1983, pp. 359-477.

(Mary Boyce)



According to the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, GÅdarz was the son of KašvÄd and the father of GÄ“v (q.v.). These events are, in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ tradition, projected into the remote, and largely legendary, epoch of the Kayanids, in particular of Kay Ḵosrow, who may partly represent epic memories of the Median king Cyaxares (q.v.). At the same time, Ferdowsi mentions a certain GÅdarz, presumably the same, in his discussion of the Arsacids (AškÄniÄn). Thus Jahangir C. Coyajee was no doubt right in recognizing these episodes as reflecting oral traditions of the Parthians, in particular of course of the historical Parthian commanders and kings named Gotarzes/GÅdarz (q.v.). Coyajee, however, knew only one ruler of this name (r. 40-51 C.E.), in the light of whose period he interpreted the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ episodes.

Subsequent research confirms the existence of an earlier Gotarzes (r. ca. 90-80 B.C.E.), named in cuneiform tablets (Epping and Strassmaier, pp. 217-44; Debevoise, p. 48). An earlier stage of his career is indicated, as Ernst Herzfeld saw (1935, p. 55), by the rock sculptures at Bisotun, showing the Parthian king Mithradates II (ca. 123-88 B.C.E.) receiving his courtiers. They are named in the Greek inscription Gotarzes satrap of satraps, Mithrates the counselor, and Kophasates (KÅhzÄd). Adjoining this sculpture on the right is another depicting equestrian combat, above which is inscribed the name Gotarses Geopothros (i.e., GÅdarz son of GÄ“v). Herzfeld attributed this to the second GÅdarz, possibly thus the grandson of the first, since in the epic tradition GÄ“v was also the son of a GÅdarz. The situation of this sculpture, however, beside the first, does not suggest it is later. Both probably belong to the same period, and could equally depict GÅdarz I, who may historically have been the son of GÄ“v (not KašvÄd). According to Ṭabari’s version (I, pp. 709, 710; cf. á¹²úÊ¿Äå±ô±ð²ú¾±, Ḡo°ù²¹°ù, pp. 462-65), however, deriving from sources parallel to those of the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, GÅdarz the Elder (Juá¸arz al-Akbar), son of SÄbur b. AškÄn, reigned shortly after the time of Christ and was succeeded by Bižan/µþŧž²¹²Ô and Juá¸arz the younger, son of Bižan. Thus the oral traditions of GÅdarz may have combined memories of both Gotarzes I and II, mingled of course with other epic themes, of which the intervention in these campaigns of Rostam, the celebrated hero of SistÄn, is one of the most prominent.

Some numismatists believe coin issues called by William Woodthorpe Tarn the “Campaign Coins,” bearing in Greek, exceptionally, the mint-names Katastrateia (expeditionary mint), en Ragais (at Ray), Nisaea (NesÄ), Margiana (Marv), Traxiana, and Areia (HerÄt), are issues of GÅdarz I, perhaps finally as joint-king with Mithradates II. These indicate major military operations against the Scythian Sacaraucae, and possibly also the Tochari, in northeast Iran. Such campaigns would parallel the struggles associated with GÅdarz in the epic tradition. This represents GÅdarz as a senior commander in the army under ṬÅs, son of NÅá¸ar (neither yet attested historically), sent by Kay Ḵosrow to punish the Turanian ruler AfrÄsiÄb (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, Moscow, IV, pp. 115-207). The Iranians suffer successive defeats, and ṬÅs is reinforced by Fariborz. However, they are again defeated. At the crisis of the battle Fariborz retreats, leaving GÅdarz, with his seventy-eight sons, his relatives, and his retainers (the GÅdarziÄn) to stem unaided the “Turanian” attack. Despite valiant resistance, they are decimated and dispersed at the battle of LÄdan/LÄvan, near a locality called Pašan. Davoud Monchi-Zadeh (p. 197, map) proposes a detailed interpretation of this topography, identifying LÄvan (as the modern name of a river, the LÄʾin), together with KalÄt (-e NÄderi), ÄŒaram, and Geru, all toponyms extant today north-west of KalÄt-e NÄderi in Khorasan. Pašan, however, he took for a variant spelling of the name of the hero µþŧž²¹²Ô (cf. Arabic Bizan), distinguished in this battle (below). Since these sites lie only about 80 km north of the city of Ṭus, the residence of Ferdowsi, local detail may, of course, have come from the poet rather than his ancient sources.

All the survivors of the Iranian force take refuge in the nearby mountain stronghold of HamÄvan, placed by Monchi-Zadeh in the nearby Kuh-e HazÄr Masjed. Here they are eventually rescued by a new Iranian army led by Rostam from SistÄn. Bižan, traditionally celebrated for his romance with Manēža/Maniža, daughter of AfrÄsiÄb, is represented as the son of GÄ“v and grandson of GÅdarz.

In a subsequent campaign, GÅdarz commands a new Iranian army opposing the Turanian invaders. He marches from Reybad to ³Ò´Ç²ÔÄå²ú²¹»å. Monchi-Zadeh (pp. 208-14, with map on last) less conclusively identifies the first location with RÄ“vand, site of the fire-temple Adur BorzÄ“n Mehr, and the second with a village north-east of NišÄpur (rather than the well-known town near Birjand known today as ³Ò´Ç²ÔÄå²úÄå»å). When the armies meet, their leaders agree to decide the issue by the single combats of six pairs of heroes (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, Moscow, V, pp 85-234; see DAVÄ€ZDAH ROḴ). In every contest, the Iranian hero slays his man. GÅdarz finally meets the Turanian general PirÄn, and with an arrow fells his adversary’s horse, which, falling, disables the rider’s right hand. The Turanian, now defenseless and on foot, retreats to the mountain, but is eventually pursued and slain. This event leads to the capture and execution of AfrÄsiÄb. GÅdarz was rewarded for his services by Kay Ḵosrow with the governorship of Isfahan and GorgÄn, and the post of grand vizier (Christensen, p. 115). Christensen notes that his death is not reported in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹. At the same time, he is represented as a commander, but never as a king. From both these indications one might infer that its epic sources date from the peak of the military career of GÅdarz (historically Gotarzes I), but before his elevation to the throne, and that they were not afterwards reworked.

These episodes no doubt reflect, in extensively embroidered form, epic memories of the historical struggles of the Arsacids against Central Asian invaders. Their main inspiration must be the Parthian wars against Sacarauca and Tocharian invaders in the early first century B.C.E. Yet since the personality of KÄmÅs appearing in the narrative is sometimes identified with the first Kushan emperor Kujula Kadphises (ca. C.E. 9-50), they probably incorporate also certain events of the 1st century C.E.



A. D. H. Bivar, “The Political History of Iran under the Arsacids,” in Camb. Hist. Iran III/1, pp. 21-99.

Mary Boyce, “Some Remarks on the Transmission of the Kayanian Heroic Cycle,” Serta Cantabrigensia, Wiesbaden, 1954, pp. 45-52.

Marie-Louise Chaumont, “Études d’histoire parthe I: Documents royales à Nisa,” Syria 48, 1971, pp. 142-64, esp. pp. 152-57 (for the cuneiform tablets).

Arthur Christensen, Les Kayanides, Copenhagen, 1932; tr. Ḏabiḥ-AllÄh á¹¢afÄ as °­²¹²âÄå²Ô¾±Äå²Ô, Tehran, 1343 Š./1964.

Malcolm A. R. Colledge, The Parthians, London, 1967.

Jehangir Cawarji Coyajee, “The House of Gotarzes: A Chapter of Parthian History in the ³§³óÄå³ó²ÔÄå³¾²¹³ó,” JRASB, N. S. 28, 1932, pp. 207-24.

Neilson C. Debevoise, A Political History of Parthia, Chicago, 1938, pp. 44, 173-74.

Joseph Epping and Johann Nepomuk Strassmaier, “Neue babilonische Planeten-Taflen,” ZA 6, 1891, pp. 217-44.

GSGS map NJ-40, in 59° 40” E., 37° 01” N (for Geru).

Ernst E. Herzfeld, Archaeological History of Iran, London, 1935, pp. 54-55.

Idem, The Persian Empire: Studies on Geography and Ethnography of the Ancient Near East, ed. Gerold Walser, Wiesbaden, 1968, pp. 13, 26, 320-22.

²Ñ²¹²õÊ¿³Ü»å¾±, Moruj, ed. Pellat, I, p. 277.

Davoud Monchi-Zadeh, Topographisch-Historische Studien zum Iranischen Nationalepos, Abhandlungen für die Kunde des Morgenlandes 41/2, Wiesbaden, 1975, esp. pp. 191-97.

á¹²úÊ¿Äå±ô±ð²ú¾±, Ḡo°ù²¹°ù, pp. 138, 156, 219, 223-23, 232-34, 238.

William Woodthorpe Tarn, “Seleucid-Parthian Studies ii: The Nomad Invasion of Parthia,” Proceedings of the British Academy 16, 1930, pp. 116-22.

Fritz Wolff, Glossar zu Firdosis Schahname, Berlin, 1935, s.v. GÅdarz.

Warwick William Wroth, Catalogue of the Coins of Parthia, London, 1903, p. xxxi.

Ehsan Yarshater, “Iranian National History,” in Camb. Hist. Iran III/1, pp. 457-60.

(A. D. H. Bivar)



The GÅdarziÄn (GÅdarzis, House of GÅdarz) were a leading clan of paladins in Iranian traditional history. It has been rightly emphasized that “next to the house of Rustam, the house of GÅdarz is the most prominent among the warrior nobles of the national epic” (Yarshater, p. 457). Ferdowsi describes them as “all valiant men with swords and golden boots” (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, ed. Khaleghi, III, p. 20 v. 296; all references to &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ are to Khaleghi’s edition unless otherwise indicated).

The ancestry of the GÅdarzis is given by Ṭabari (I, pp. 617-18; in an interpolated verse in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ [ed. Macan, IV, p. 2134, v. 24], their lineage is traced back to a QÄren son of KÄva). Taking account of manuscript variants and the analogous genealogy of the Kayanids in Ṭabari (I, p. 533, with Christensen, p. 107), the lineage of the GÅdarzis may be given as follows: GÅdarz son of GašwÄd (not Jawá¸arz b. JašwÄdagÄn; the text has a redundant ebn), son of Soḵra (text: Soḥra), son of Â… (8 forefathers), son of ZÄḡ [alias ZÄb/Ozav], son of NÅá¸ar, son of Manuš, son of NÅá¸ar, son of ManuÄehr. The last five ancestors are common to both the Kayanids and the GÅdarzis. Of these forefathers, GašwÄd “giver of fine orations” (cf. Justi, Namenbuch, p. 114, s.v. GešwÄd) is the first paladin in the legendary history of Iran. He served as a general of NÅá¸ar when AfrÄsiÄb (q.v.) invaded Iran (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ I, p. 305 v. 304; the reference to him as a commander of FerÄ“dun in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, ed. Vullers, I, p. 96, is an interpolation). Following NÅá¸ar’s downfall, GašwÄd helped ZÄl to regain Iran from AfrÄsiÄb and eventually crown Kay QobÄd, served with Rostam, and was rewarded by Kay QobÄd. He bore the by-name Zarrin-kolÄh “Golden-hat wearing” and possessed a palace in Estaḵr (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ I, pp. 318, 320, 345, 351, 352 v. 99, 355-56, II, p. 456 v. 505).

GašwÄd’s son, GÅdarz, is portrayed as the true leader of the armies of Kay KÄvus and Kay Ḵosrow. He is said to have had seventy-eight sons and grandsons (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ II, p. 458 v. 537, III, pp. 11 v. 145, 20 v. 295, but “seventy” in II, p. 166 v. 598 and “eighty” in MoḵtÄri, p. 47). GÅdarz, known also for his wise counsel (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ III, p. 11 v. 144), became the grand vizier (bozorg farmaá¸Är; see ¹ó¸é´¡²Ñ´¡¶ÙÄ€¸é) of Kay Ḵosrow (Ṭabari, I, p. 613, tr. IV, pp. 14-15) and was acknowledged by ḴᵛÄja NeẓÄm-al-Molk (p. 233) as one of the great viziers of all times. Of his sons, the celebrated ones were: 1) GÄ“v (q.v.); 2) RahÄm (also RahhÄm for meter’s sake in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, but not RohhÄm; see Markwart, Provincial Capitals, p. 17); 3) BahrÄm (q.v.); 4) ŠÄ“duš (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ IV, p. 109 v. 1715, cf. III, pp. 20, 35, 158; Ṭabari, I, p. 604: ŠÄduš); 5) HojÄ“r (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ IV, p. 96); 6) FarhÄd (IrÄnšÄh, pp. 151, 152; Justi, Namenbuch, p. 101, no. 3) Lord of Abaršahr (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ III, pp. 12, 21, 35; IV, p. 96) and father of MehrÄn (IrÄnšÄh, pp. 145, 151, 152) and ŠÄ“rzÄd (IrÄnšÄh, pp. 353-55); 7) ValÄš and 8) VarÄza/GorÄza (see below). As the commander-in-chief of Iranian forces, GÅdarz was entrusted with the Banner of KÄva (see DERAFŠ-E KAVĪĀN) and received many boons, including lordship over Isfahan (see below). His son BahrÄm is called the ³ó²¹³¾&²õ³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;ŧ°ù²¹ (foster-brother) of SiÄvoš (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ III, p. 38, vv. 173-75), which indicates that in one tradition it was GÅdarz, and not Rostam, who acted as the foster-father of SiÄvoš. In the great battles of Pašan and LÄvan [rather than LÄdan; see Markwart, Provinicial Capitals, pp. 40-41], GÅdarz lost sixty-nine of his sons (seventy in &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ III, p. 88 v. 1011, is just a round number, see below), and then also BahrÄm (ibid., 95-96), so that, at the end of Kay Ḵosrow’s reign, he could boast that seventy of his sons had been sacrificed in defense of Iran and “now eight remain” (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ IV, p. 356). Ḥasan b. Moḥammad Qomi mentions among GÅdarz’ children a daughter named NÄhid and several sons: Bib (i.e., GÄ“v), RahÄm, BahrÄm, Valis (ValÄš), and VarÄza (VarÄz b. Bib; Qomi, pp. 66, 69-70, 78-80, 84-85). The usually well-informed Mojmal al-tawÄrikò (p. 91) counts the notables of Kay Ḵosrow’s court and adds: “they included sons of GÅdarz who administered royal affairs: GÄ“v was chamberlain (ḥÄj±ð²ú), µþŧž²¹²Ô [chief] royal guard (ÂáÄå²Ô»åÄå°ù), Ḵosrow stable master, BahrÄm master of ceremonies, ZarÄ“r chief envoy, HojÄ“r chief of boon companions, and NÅzÄd royal trustee (amin).” By all accounts GÄ“v was “the greatest and best” of GÅdarz’ sons (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ II, p. 161 vv. 543 f.). Since GÄ“v had only one son of his own, µþŧž²¹²Ô (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ III, pp. 338 v. 447, 341 v. 497), his brother GorÄza was regarded as the “Elder of the house of GÄ“v” (sar-e toḵma-ye GÄ“vagÄn; &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ II, p. 162 v. 555, III, p. 22 v. 229 f., 126 v. 340). Of the GÄ“vagÄn family, one hundred and five knights were registered in Kay Ḵosrow’s army roster (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ III, p. 12 v. 155).

According to one tradition, GÄ“v was married to Rostam’s eldest daughter BÄnu Gošasp (q.v.; an interpolated verse in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ II, p. 437 n. 9., l. 25, names Šahr-bÄnu Eram as a sister of GÄ“v and a wife of Rostam). GÄ“v’s son, µþŧž²¹²Ô, was a paladin of exceptional prowess, who added to his heroic deeds a romantic adventure, namely his love for and marrying of Manēža, a daughter of AfrÄsiÄb. Their son ArdašÄ“r, a hero in the µþ²¹³ó³¾²¹²Ô-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, was the chief hero (jahÄn pahlavÄn) of Bahman, and was instrumental in the downfall of Rostam’s son FarÄmarz (IranšÄh, pp. 103 v. 1498, 213, 225; cf. &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ V, p. 480 v. 96, where YÄz-ArdašÄ“r should be changed to yal ArdašÄ“r). He was later killed when Bahman tried to storm SistÄn’s capital (IrÄnšÄh, p. 235). A good deal of information on RahÄm is contained in the µþ²¹³ó³¾²¹²Ô-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ (pp. 213. 225, 249, 358, 360, 587) and the Mojmal al-tawÄrikò (pp. 50, 438), citing Ḥamza Eá¹£fahÄni from the latter’s lost book on Isfahan). He served Bahman for forty years, and took part in the war against FarÄmarz “despite being related [to him] by blood” (IrÄnšÄh, pp. 224-25). In a legend that shows mixing of stories and traditions, he is said to have been the Lord of Jerusalem and to have always troubled the Jews; he also bore the by-name Boḵt-Naá¹£ar/Naá¹£r (i.e., the biblical Nebuchadnezzar; IrÄnšÄh, pp., 213, 225, 587; Mojmal al-tawÄriḵ, pp. 50, 436-38; see below). Bahman bestowed on him Palestine and QarawÄn as well (IrÄnšÄh, p. 587).

Another epic composition that has preserved the memory of the GÅdarzis is MoḵtÄri Ḡaznavi’s &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;²¹³ó°ù¾±Äå°ù-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, which narrates the adventures of ŠahriÄr son of Borzu, son of SohrÄb, son of Rostam (á¹¢afÄ, pp. 311-13; see µþ°¿¸é´ÜŪ-±·Ä€²Ñ´¡). It describes how ArjÄsp (q.v.) attacked Iran, defeated LohrÄsp, devastated Balḵ, and besieged SistÄn, capturing RahÄm and ArdašÄ“r. It also states that GÅdarz attacked ArjÄsp but was captured and then executed. ZÄl, however, managed to rescue his corpse and give it a splendid burial (MoḵtÄri Ḡaznavi, pp. 141-59, 175-78, 181-82).

The memory of the GÅdarzis was attached to various localities. GÅdarz is said to have been the feudal lord of Qom and Isfahan (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ IV, p. 356, cf., II, pp. 450-51; “the fief-holder of Isfahan and JorjÄn and their highlands” Ṭabari, I, p. 613, tr. IV, pp. 14-15). He is also said to have had a palace in Eṣṭaḵr of FÄrs (&³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ II, p. 456 v. 505), and the Fortress of GÅdarz (QalÊ¿a Jawá¸arz) in KÄm-Firuz, FÄrs, was well-known for its strength (Eṣṭaḵri, p. 118; Ebn Ḥawqal, p. 273, tr. Kramers and Wiet, p. 269). The “Hole of µþŧž²¹²Ô” (³Õ¾±Âá²¹²Ô-ÄÄå³ó²Ô) is said to exist in both MÄzandarÄn’s OmidvÄrakuh Mountain (Ebn EsfandiÄr, p. 87) and in ŠÄbor near Darband in the Caucasus (Zakariya Qazvini, tr., II, p. 458). According to Ḥamd-AllÄh Mostawfi (Nozhat al-qolub, p. 91, tr. Le Strange, p. 92), one of the three towns of the MuqÄn plain on the Caspian Sea was Hamšahra, which was the seat (nešast) of “FarhÄd, son of GÅdarz, whom they identify with Nebuchednezzar.” This seems to have arisen from the identification of Abaršahr (i.e., region of NišÄpur) with Hamšahra. The Provincial Capitals credits “RahÄm Ä« GÅdarziÄn” with the building of Roḵḵaj, the capital of Arachosia (Markwart, p. 17). Qomi has surprisingly detailed information on the building activity of the GÅdarzis in the area of Qom: GÄ“v (Bib) founded the villages of MaqtaÊ¿a (Pers. Ä€bjÅya; TÄriḵ-e Qom, p. 66, citing Ebn MoqaffaÊ¿), VÄ“r, JehrÅd (*GÄ“v-rÅd?), and Afšidjerd, (TÄriḵ-e Qom, p. 69). He also built Ä€ba in the SÄva area and two manor houses there, as well as three subterranean canals (°ìÄå°ù¾±³ú) called VarÄzjerd, VerÅjerd, and Esfandaq (TÄriḵ-e Qom, pp. 78, 79, 80-81). BahrÄm, son of GÅdarz, built a fire temple in Andas and founded the village of Fistin (TÄriḵ-e Qom, pp. 82-84). Valis (i.e., ValÄš), son of GÅdarz, founded Valisjerd; his nephew VarÄz VarÄzjerd, and NÄhid, daughter of GÅdarz, founded Ṭariz-e NÄhid (TÄriḵ-e Qom, pp. 76, 84, 85). The establishment of the Feast of TirgÄn is also connected with the GÅdarziÄn. µþŧž²¹²Ô was credited with having drained a swampy lake between Qom and SÄva by digging an outlet which canalized the water to adjacent fields. Kay Ḵosrow rewarded µþŧž²¹²Ô with wonderful presents and “conferred on him certain parts of Khorasan and JorjÄn in fief” (TÄriḵ-e Qom, pp. 79-80). Qomi also relates that Kay Ḵosrow prayed to God to bless the spring near SÄva and increase its water, “and that occurred on the day of Tir of the month Tir; and since then it has become a tradition and custom to bathe in that and other springs” (TÄriḵ-e Qom, p. 82; Biruni, ĀṯÄr al-bÄqia, p. 221). According to a legend mentioned by Abu RayḥÄn Biruni (ĀṯÄr al-bÄqia, p. 221) and repeated by Qomi (p. 82), Kay Ḵosrow had the vision of an angel (malak; Qomi: jenn; “genie”) there and fell unconscious, but µþŧž²¹²Ô, son of GÅdarz, sprinkled water on him and restored him; Qomi adds that BahrÄm built a fire temple there (TÄriḵ-e Qom, pp. 80-82). Gardizi (ed. Ḥabibi, p. 243) has a similar story: on his return from the war with AfrÄsiÄb, Kay Ḵosrow slept alone by a spring and µþŧž²¹²Ô, son of GÄ“v, sprinkled water on him and awakened him; the bathing during the TirgÄn Festival is a tradition preserved among Iranians from that day.

The memory of the GÅdarzis was fondly preserved among Iranians of all periods. From the 5th century onward we meet with names such as GÅdarz, RahÄm, ValÄš, ZarÄ“r, and Ḵosrow, and that is the time when Iranian national history began to be gathered (Shahbazi, 1990, pp. 214 f.). Later on we see traces of the house of GÅdarz in the story of Vis and RÄmin (Minorsky, pp. 180-88). In the middle of the 10th century, Abu Maná¹£ur Moḥammad b. Ê¿Abd-al-RazzÄq (q.v.), who ordered the compilation of a prose &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹, claimed that his forefathers had been military chiefs under Sasanian kings and descendants of “BorzÄ“n son of µþŧž²¹²Ô son of GÄ“v son of GÅdarz” (Moḥammad Qazvini, ed., pp. 52-56). The lavish praises which he bestows on GašwÄd and GÅdarz testify that he took his claim seriously. Later in the state of the Shabankarids, a Kurdish dynasty of eastern FÄrs, a certain GÅdarz asserted that he was “of the family of GašvÄdagÄn,” while another commander, JÄnÅy, counted µþŧž²¹²Ô and GÄ“v as his forebears (á¹¢Äḥ±ð²ú, p. 112).

So prominent a family as the GÅdarzis could not have been purely fictitious (on the oral transmission of sagas and the formation of legends about historical events and figures see Boyce, 1954, 1955, 1957). Indeed, there are reasons to believe that their legends were “included in the national saga earlier than those of the Sistanian heroes” (Yarshater, p. 459, citing Christensen, 1931, pp. 139 ff.). The historical origins and heroic development of this house have been explained by Alfred von Gutschmid (pp. 43-45, 95-124), Theodor Nöldeke (pp. 7-9), Josef Markwart (1895, pp. 634-45; idem, 1931, pp. 85-98), Jahangir Cawarji Coyajee, Ḏabiḥ-AllÄh á¹¢afÄ (pp. 575-81), Ehsan Yarshater (pp. 457-60), and others (see also Shahbazi, 1990, pp. 156 f.). They have shown that the heroic sagas of the Kayanids and historic events and personalities of the Parthian period “mingled in the narration of the east-Iranian bards and minstrels and eventually became part of the national history” (Yarshater, p. 459). The memory of the Arsacid kings was preserved through king lists and oral transmission of their heroized history, which were retold by minstrels as the deeds of the GÅdarzis and other great houses of the national epic. Thus, GÄ“v, GÅdarz, µþŧž²¹²Ô, FarhÄd, Nerseh, and ValÄš of the Arsacid king lists in the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ (ed. Moscow, VII, p. 116) and other sources (see ARSACID CHRONOLOGY IN TRADITIONAL HISTORY) represent the vague reminiscence of Arsacid kings (GÅtarzes II, son of GÄ“v; Phraetes; and Vologeses), as well as the Parthian prince µþŧž²¹²Ô and Parthian princess Manēža (on these last two see Markwart, 1896, pp. 67-68). It is interesting to note that in the story of Vis and RÄmin, which has a Parthian origin, RahÄm and BahrÄm appear among the supporters of RÄmin (Minorsky, pp. 165, 178 ff.). The predominance of GÅdarz and GÄ“v in the national tradition is explained, as Gutschmid demonstrated (pp. 44-45, 95-96, 115-24), by the fact that GÅtarzes, son of GÄ“v, was the only Arsacid king about whom ample information was available. Unlike other Parthian kings, he placed his personal name on coins, he left a record-relief in Bisotun (q.v.), and his history is given in such detail by Josephus and Tacitus as to prove that he presented a perfect candidate for heroization (on GÅtarzes II see Karras-Klapproth, pp. 60-64). In due course he became the kernel of legends that also involved the Parthian houses of MehrÄn, KÄren, and VarÄz (all mentioned in ŠÄpur I’s trilingual inscriptions on the KaÊ¿ba-ye Zardošt in FÄrs) and Vēžn (on this see Henning, p. 50), who appear as his sons and relatives.

It has been shown that the final redactors of the traditional history availed themselves of the “Ctesian method” of anachronistically projecting back into remote history events and personages of more recent times (Shahbazi, 1990, pp. 210-13). A case of the “Ctesian method” resulted in the attribution of an episode of Sasanian history to GašwÄd in the following way. During the 5th century, the Hephthalites (HayÄá¹­ela) repeatedly ravaged east Iranian provinces and eventually defeated and killed King PÄ“rÅz (see FIRUZ). SuḵrÄ, a noble from the great house of KÄren, took an army to the northeast and compelled the Hephthalites to release Iranian prisoners and, returning triumphantly, crowned KavÄd king of Persia (see Nöldeke, Geschiehte der Perser, pp. 117 ff.; Christensen, Iran Sass., pp. 294 ff.). As Nöldeke noted (1920, p. 9), this is almost exactly what a certain QÄren and GašvÄd (the sons of SuḵrÄ) do in the epic (see above). And it does not come as a surprise when we see that both GašvÄd and the Karenid SuḵrÄ traced their descent to NÅá¸arÄn son of Manuš son of NÅá¸ar son of ManuÄehr (Ṭabari, I, pp. 533, 617-18), which proves that the house of KÄren claimed lineage from the house of GÅdarz. This is also borne out by the assertion of Abu Maná¹£ur Moḥammad b. Ê¿Abd-al-RazzÄq that his ancestors were the Karenids and descendants of ManuÄehr (see above).

Two post-Sasanian developments of the GÅdarziÄn legends may also be noted. The Arsacid king list in Islamic sources includes a “Nersi son of µþŧž²¹²Ô” (e.g., ²Ñ²¹²õÊ¿³Ü»å¾±, Tanbih, p. 96). When Hebrew-Iranian synchronism became prevalent (see Horovitz; Christensen, 1931, pp. 71, 93, 106, 145; Yarshater, pp. 471 f.), this Nersi was rendered as Boḵt-Nersi and identified with Boḵt-Naá¹£ar (i.e., Nebuchadnezzar of the Bible), whom Islamic chronicles had discovered in Syriac and Jewish sources as the nemesis of the Jews. Thus, µþŧž²¹²Ô son of GÄ“v came to be known as Boḵt-Nersi, a general of Kay LohrÄsp and destroyer of Jerusalem (Ḥamza, p. 36; cf. Maqdesi, µþ²¹»åʾ III, p. 149, where LohrÄsp himself is credited with the destruction of Jerusalem). Variant traditions identified Nebuchadnezzar with RahÄm son of GÅdarz (IrÄnšÄh, pp. 213, 225) or with his brother FarhÄd (see above). The second development occurred because of the identification of one of the Zoroastrian immortals who are supposed to appear with the SÅšyÄnt with VÄ“v = GÄ“v son of GÅdarz (Christensen, 1931, pp. 57, 59, 153-55). According to the &³§³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;Äå³ó-²ÔÄå³¾²¹ (IV, pp. 365-66) GÄ“v, µþŧž²¹²Ô, Fariborz, ṬÅs, and Gostahm (qq.v.) followed Kay Ḵosrow on his journey into eternity, and lost their lives in a great snow storm. This is probably the origin of the incorporation of GÄ“v into the select group of heroes who will appear with the SÅšyÄnt.



Mary Boyce, “Some Remarks on the Transmission of the Kayanian Heroic Cycle,” in Serta Cantabrigiensia (Studies Presented to the XXIII Congress of Orientalists), Mainz, 1954, pp. 45-52.

Idem, “Zariadres and ZarÄ“r,” BSO(A)S 17, 1955, pp. 463-77.

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(A. Shapur Shahbazi)

(Mary Boyce, A. D. H. Bivar, A. Shapur Shahbazi)

Originally Published: December 15, 2001

Last Updated: February 9, 2012

This article is available in print.
Vol. XI, Fasc. 1, pp. 31-39