´Ü´¡µþÄ€±·-E ´Ü´¡±·Ä€±·, the title of a newspaper and a magazine published in Isfahan and Tehran, respectively, by á¹¢eddiqa DawlatÄbÄdi (1883-1961), a pioneer advocate of women’s rights in Iran.
The newspaper. ZabÄn-e zanÄn, the third women’s newspaper ever published in Iran, ran from 20 ŠawwÄl 1337 to 21 RabiÊ¿ 1339 Š./18 July, 1919 to 1 January, 1921, a total of 57 issues altogether. It started as a biweekly paper but became a weekly after its first year. Most of its editorials and articles dealt with issues concerning women, but it also carried a serialized novel called DÄstÄn-e reqqatangiz (A heart rendering/pitiful story). The historical significance of this newspaper was in its avant-garde progressive stand for the rights of women. It was the first newspaper founded and published by a woman in Iran that forcefully addressed the question of women’s rights in articles written by women, and also the first journal that used the word Zan (Woman) in its title. It is also noteworthy that ZabÄn-e zanÄn, starting with the sixth issue, attempted to use Persian terms for current Arabic words. This approach did not, however, amount to a forced purified Persian style, and some of the substitute equivalents used were invented terms found in the ¶Ù²¹²õÄå³Ù¾±°ù.
ZabÄn-e zanÄn attracted the hostility of some fanatical reactionaries from the very outset of its publication. They attacked both the journal and its publisher in anonymous clandestine notices (&²õ³¦²¹°ù´Ç²Ô;²¹²ú-²ÔÄå³¾²¹s), and by spreading rumors and writing hostile articles in other newspapers. Both the publisher’s residence and the journal’s office came under repeated attacks by fanatics, who threw stones, invaded the premises, and even used firearms (ZabÄn-e zanÄn, no. 21, 3 á¹¢afar 1339 Š./15 October 1920). DawlatÄbÄdi moved to a new house for safety and managed to go on publishing the paper under the protection of the police (á¹¢adr HÄšemi, pp. 9-10).
ZabÄn-e zanÄn had taken an actively critical stand against the Anglo-Persian Agreement of 1919 and the policies of Prime Minister MirzÄ á¸¤asan Woṯuq-al-Dawla, nor did it take a more favorable position with his successor. Eventually on 15 Dey 1299 Š./5th January 1921, SepahdÄr Aʿẓam Moḥammad-Wali Khan TonokÄboni, the new prime minister, dispatched a harsh telegram to the provincial governor of Isfahan, ordering him to ban the publication of ZabÄn-e zanÄn (BayÄt and KuhestÄni-nežÄd, eds., I, pp. 581-82, 584-85). Efforts by DowlatÄbÄdi to reverse the ban had no effect. A fanatic cleric called the removal of the ban an act against Islam and religious ordinance (monÄfi-e EslÄm wa šariÊ¿at; ibid, p. 583). Moḥit ṬabÄá¹abÄʾi (p. 174) and á¹¢adr HÄšemi (p. 10) have wrongly suggested that the ban on ZabÄn-e zanÄn was a consequence of the coup d’état of 1921.
ZabÄn-e zanÄn was printed at Ḥabl-al-Matin printing house in four double-column pages of 21 x 34 cm and carried no illustrations. The annual subscription rate was 12 and 30 krans for the biweekly and weekly editions, respectively. Female students received a discount. Incomplete sets of ZabÄn-e zanÄn are available at the Central Library of University of Tehran, the Central Library of the University of Isfahan, and the Ebn Meskuya Library in Isfahan.
The magazine. Twenty-six months after the ban on the newspaper, DowlatÄbÄdi embarked upon the publication of a monthly magazine with the same title in Tehran. This magazine was published from Farvardin/March-April (rather than from June as á¹¢adr HÄšemi, p. 10, has recorded) to Ä€á¸ar 1301 Š./November 1922, or a total of six issues. The magazine published articles, translations, and news items about women, but contrary to its predecessor in Isfahan, did not concern itself with political issues and events.
The first three issues were lithographed in Malek-al-Ḵaá¹á¹Äá¹in Šarifi’s pen at Marvi printing house in 32 single-column pages of 12.5 x 21.5 cm and carried no illustrations. Subsequently it was typeset at Iran printing house, including the note that its previous use of lithograph was to improve the handwriting of schoolgirls. The annual subscription was set at 20 krans.
The complete set of ZabÄn-e zanÄn magazine is available at the National Library in Tehran, and scattered issues are kept at the Central Library of the University of Tehran, the Central Library of the University of Isfahan, and the Central Library of FÄrs.
Ḥosayn AbutorÄbiÄn, Maá¹buÊ¿Ät-e IrÄn az Šahrivar 1320 tÄ 1326, Tehran, 1987, p. 98.
KÄva BayÄt and MasÊ¿ud KuhestÄni-nežÄd, eds., AsnÄd-e maá¹buÊ¿Ät, 1286-1320 H. Š., 2 vols., Tehran, 1993.
L. P. Elwell-Sutton, “The Iranian Press 1941-1947,” Iran 6, 1968.
Guʾel Kohan, TÄriḵ-e sÄnsur dar maá¹buÊ¿Ät-e IrÄn, 2 vols., Tehran, 1984, pp. 698-702.
Ê¿Abd-al-Ḥosayn NÄhid, ZanÄn-e IrÄn dar jonbeš-e mašruá¹a, Tabriz, 1981, pp. 110-11.
Ali No-Rouze [Ḥasan Moqaddam], “Registre analytyque annoté de la presse persane (depuis la Guerre),” RMM 60, 1925, no. 97.
Foruḡ-al-ZamÄn Nuri Eá¹£fahÄni, RÄhnemÄ-ye maá¹buÊ¿Ät:fehrest-e našriyÄt-e mawjuddar KetÄb-ḵÄna-ye Ê¿omumi-e Ebn Meskuya-ye Eá¹£fahÄn, Isfahan, 2001, p. 162. á¹¢adr HÄšemi, JarÄʾed o majallÄt III, pp. 6-11.
Mehdoḵt á¹¢anʾati, “Hargez namirad Än-ke del-aš zenda šod ba Ê¿ešq,” Nima-ye digar, no. 17, 1992.
Bižan SartipzÄda and KobrÄ á¸´odÄparast, Fehrest-e ruz-nÄmahÄ-ye mawjud dar KetÄb-ḵÄna-ye melli, 1978, no. 276.
MortaÅ¼Ä Solá¹Äni, Fehrest-e majallahÄ-ye fÄrsi az ebtedÄ tÄ sÄl-e 1320 Š., Tehran, 1977, no. 110.
Moḥammad Moḥiá¹ Ta˘bÄá¹abÄʾi, TÄriḵ-e taḥlili-e maá¹buÊ¿Ät-e IrÄn, Tehran, 1984.
(Nassereddin Parvin)
Originally Published: March 6, 2009
Last Updated: March 6, 2009
Cite this entry:Nassereddin Parvin, “´Ü´¡µþÄ€±·-E ´Ü´¡±·Ä€±·,” Encyclopædia Iranica, online edition, 2009, available at http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/zaban-zanan (accessed on 20 September 2016).